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Notification of changes to New Relic SaaS features and distributed software

At New Relic, we support our customers by continually improving our Software as a Service (SaaS) features and distributed software. Sometimes that means we introduce changes that can include moving away from existing software components and features, called end-of-life (EOL).

As we make these decisions, we strive to balance the need to introduce improvements with our customer’s tolerance for change. We do our best to anticipate the impact of these changes for our customers.

What we communicate

We're committed to communicating about the changes that impact user experience, especially when these changes have a significant effect on workflow. In assessing impact we evaluate:

  • Potential impact to customer workflow
  • Feature usage information
  • Customer feedback

In communicating changes, we strive to:

  • Give as much lead time as possible
  • Minimize interruption
  • Provide a documented alternative

Lead time for notifications

EOL changes are classified into the following categories:

Transition impact


Notification lead time


Limited changes to customer processes or procedures are anticipated.

None to 90 days


Changes to functionality are limited in scope. Actions such as upgrading retired agents to supported versions may be required.

Minimum of 90 days


Changes are highly impactful to customers and will require significant investment from customers to adapt.

Minimum of 180 days


A third party dependency, security issue, or other critical risk causes an urgent need to change or remove functionality on an accelerated timeline.

Notified as soon as reasonably practical

EOL lead times: impact on distributed software

Subject to EOL lead times:

Our lead time notifications also apply to distributed software, which is software developed by New Relic that is installed on customer-owned systems. Distributed software is not cloud-based, and has a lifespan from the date of each released version. After that date, it may cease to function or stop reporting data to New Relic.

We have fully open sourced many of our distributed software projects as community projects. We also participate in many community-led software development projects.

If we have not open sourced our software projects, or if we have designated them as Community Plus projects, the following timeframes apply to them:

  • Released on or after October 1, 2020: These projects will be compatible with our SaaS offering for at least two years after the date of publishing the release.
  • Released prior to October 1, 2020: These projects will be compatible for at least three years after the date of publishing the release.

All fixes and security updates are provided in the latest released version of distributed software, and we encourage our customers to keep installed software up to date. In the event a released version of software will cease normal function sooner than two (or three) years, New Relic will follow the EOL process.

EOL lead times not applicable:

Some of our distributed software have been open sourced, are designated as such, and are available at github.com/newrelic, including:

  • Community projects
  • New Relic One catalog
  • Example code
  • New Relic experimental
  • Archived

Our EOL policy does not apply to these projects, which is why we do not provide advance EOL notification for them. However, you can still find information and support for selected projects through:

Questions about EOL notifications?

Share any questions or comments with us in New Relic’s Explorers Hub.



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