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Use content types and text formats

Our docs site is made up of different content types and templates. Most of the time, the default page content type and the basic template will have everything you'll need.

Read on for more information about our page types.

Docs meta content (frontmatter)

Thr top of every doc begins with a set of metadata. Read on for more information about this metadata content:

Meta content field



Whenever possible, provide an action-oriented or task-oriented title; for example, "AJAX page: Identify time-consuming calls." In general, use sentence case. Capitalize only the first word. Do not capitalize any other word in the title unless it's a proper noun, such as a specific product name, or it follows a colon (:).

If you're looking for ideas on how to choose a title, browse the titles of similar docs.

The title used in the sidebar (left navigation pane) is set in the nav file.


For the basicDoc template, use page or omit type. If omitted, the default type is page and the basicDoc template is used.


The template determines the basic layout and style of a page. Use basicDoc for more pages.


Keywords related to your doc. Through some technical wizardry, they generate Related resources links in the right nav area.

Start each topic with a - on a new line.

A topic can include multiple words separated by spaces.


The URL to the Japanese language version of the doc. Leave this blank if there isn't a Japanese version.

Document body

The document body is where you edit the page content. Use the GitHub Markdown format when you write content.

Page templates

For most situations, use the basicDoc page template. Read on for information about our other page templates.

Content type


Basic page

A standard HTML webpage without special fields. This content type is used for the majority of content on the site.

API doc

This format is for API reference documentation. For more information, see apiStyleGuidelines (for style guidelines) and Work with the API doc content type (for how to use and configure).

Attribute definition

This format is for defining attributes and event types. These definitions are shared with the UI via the data dictionary service. For more information, see Work with attribute definition content type.

Landing pages

This format is for a more user-friendly and readable landing page, which replaces the standard taxonomy list views. For more information, see Working with landing pages.

Release notes

This format includes specific fields for release notes. Users rely on release notes to keep up with smaller changes in the product, particularly for downloadble software like the agents. For more information, see Create release notes.

What's New posts

This format includes specific fields for product announcements. What's New posts are created by PMM for larger announcements. They're available in the docs site, but they're also visible in the New Relic One UI. For more information, see What's New style guidelines.

Troubleshooting doc

This format is for troubleshooting docs in a Problem-Solution-Cause format. For more information, see Troubleshooting docs guide.



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