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Node.js agent v6.4.2

February 27, 2020Download


  • Support new http[s] get/request function signature in Node v10+

  • Added the following Span attributes:

    • http.statusCode
    • http.statusText

    The above attributes will be replacing the following deprecated attributes:

    • httpResponseCode
    • response.status
    • response.statusMessage

    The deprecated attributes will be removed with the next major release of the agent.

  • Updates version check to be in alignment with our stated support policy and the version constraints in package.json

  • Redacts individual certificate configuration values before sending to server settings. When configured, these values will now appear like: {certificates.0: ****}.

Known issues and workarounds

  • If a .NET agent is initiating distributed traces as the root service, you must update that .NET agent to version 8.24 or later before upgrading your downstream New Relic Node agents to this agent release.
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