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Node.js agent v4.13.0

December 20, 2018Download

New features

  • The agent now reacts to failed New Relic requests based on response code, as opposed to parsing an exception message in the response body.


  • Fixed clearing of active harvest via _stopHarvester()
  • Fixed handling of harvest endpoints when not all fail.
  • Added agent state "connecting" to indicate when handshake with New Relic servers is starting. This can be triggered on startup and restarts.
  • Added --no-package-lock to unit and integration rules.
  • Released protocol_17 feature flag.
  • Replaced nsp with npm audit in security checks.
  • Collector now specify application/json content-type when data is compressed instead of octet-stream.
  • Bumped ecmaVersion in test .eslintrc to 8
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