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Java agent v3.35.0

January 11, 2017


Known Issue

Several customers have reported an issue with this release in which the app fails with a ClassFormatError. For this reason, this release is not recommended and has been removed from New Relic's download site. Please use release 3.34.0 instead.

We keep the note here because the 3.35.0 is still available on the Maven Central Repository.

We will release a fix for the issue as soon as possible.


  • JAX-RS/Jersey 2

    This agent release officially adds support for JAX-RS 1.1-2.0.

    The release instruments the @Suspend annotation when using the Jersey 2 implementation of JAX-RS.

  • OkHttp 3.5

    This release updates our instrumentation to cover OkHttp 3.5.


  • Fixes an edge case in Spray Client instrumentation where a NullPointerException was being thrown into customer logs
  • Fixes a potential StackOverflowException from Netty instrumentation when calling ServerBootstrap.bind() many times
  • Fixes a bug that prevented display of JMX metrics for Oracle WebLogic Server 12.2
  • Fixes issue where SQL parsing would throw a StackOverflowError and prevent large database statements from being sent up to New Relic
  • Improve performance of complex SQL statement parsing in the agent, reducing overhead for apps that make many SQL calls
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