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Partnership API keys

Partnership API keys are used to authenticate calls with partnership accounts in New Relic. An important distinction in working with API keys is account versus partnership owner. The partnership owner is a special form of account that is used to manage data about the account.


For requirements, read Intro to Partnership API.

License key

This is the key returned in the XML when creating an account. It is used by the agent to identify the account.

Partner API key

When using the partnership API, you must use the Partnership Owner Account's REST API key. This is the key used in the API calls where you see x-api-key: <api key>.

Locate your API keys

To view or regenerate your keys, log into the New Relic site using your partnership owner credentials, then go to Partnerships > Edit settings. The keys are listed at the bottom of the page.


Regenerated keys cannot be reverted.

Security best practices

Recommendation: Keys used to access the New Relic site should be regenerated on a regular basis as a security best practice. The change from regenerating a key takes place immediately.

If you hard code the keys into your code and want to push a new integration version with the new key into production, be sure to coordinate between key regeneration and site update. This will help minimize downtime. In this situation, consider dynamically fetching these keys using the Show Account API.



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