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Transition to New Relic One from Insights


As of April 12, 2021, we're upgrading Insights to an improved web and mobile experience! All of your Insights URLs will be redirected automatically to the corresponding dashboards in New Relic One. For more details about this migration and how you can easily plan for this transition, see our Explorers Hub post.

Released in 2014, New Relic Insights was our original way to create custom queries, charts, and dashboards. With New Relic One, we have modernized the experience for you to access, analyze, and visualize your data. New Relic One offers an improved charts and dashboards experience, and it provides a platform where we can more rapidly bring new innovations to you.

This transition guide can help you understand:

  • What are some of the new and improved features you get with New Relic One charts, dashboards, and queries
  • Why it's easy to transition to New Relic One
  • What to know and considerations when you make the switch
  • How to get the most out of using New Relic One


You can scroll down to the transition details, but first here are some features we've added that show how New Relic One dashboards are a clear improvement over Insights dashboards.

Improved query abilities

With New Relic One, you get:

  • Ability to query many accounts from the same widget: New Relic One lets you query across all your associated accounts in one place.
  • Better querying and charting experiences: Query access is available globally, no matter where you are in New Relic One. Learn how to browse and query data in New Relic.
  • Improved query experience: You can query both the Metric data type and metric timeslice data.
  • Easy customization: Every visualization now has the query accessible. You can augment any curated chart just by changing the NRQL query.

Improved visualizations

Not only can you select a wide range of visualization options, you can also add more to your dashboards:

  • Better display options: Make your data easier to understand by using visualizations other than dense, line-heavy charts. New Relic One also offers a better TV mode.
  • Facet linking: You can filter your dashboards by faceted attributes, making your dashboards more interactive and easy to use. There's also support for cases. Learn more.
  • More charts or widgets in an area: Insights restricted you to a 3-across limit. Now you can display up to 12 across your dashboard, providing increased data density along with improved tooltips and tracking across charts.
  • Easier creation of multi-page dashboards: Insights referred to these as data apps. Your Insights data apps are preserved as multi-page dashboards in New Relic One.
  • Chart consistency and flexibility: Dashboards include facet color consistency across widgets and faster loading times for more performant dashboards. Also, you can add any chart type to a dashboard in New Relic One!

The New Relic Insights UI has served our users well for many years, but it's time to give you an even better experience. Join us and make the switch to New Relic One!

Steps for a successful transition

The transition to New Relic One has two parts: the UI and mobile app experience (April 12, 2021) and the Dashboard API (July 2021).

Insights functionality

Transition to New Relic One


We have already taken care of your transition from Insights to New Relic One for you! As of April 12, 2021, your old Insights URLs redirect automatically to New Relic One.

  1. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the new UI features available to you, as described in this transition guide.
  2. If you need to view any Insights charts embedded in other websites, go to one.newrelic.com > More > Manage Data. (These older embedded charts will continue to function as expected.)

Mobile apps

The Insights mobile app is deprecated as of April 11, 2021.

  1. Go to the Google Play Store 2 or Apple App store.
  2. Delete your old Insights mobile app, and download the New Relic One mobile app.

tvOS apps and large displays

New Relic's tvOS app is still available. No action is needed by you at this time.

Some New Relic customers with the original pricing model may have set up dashboards on wall screens for restricted users with kiosk mode. No action is required for you to continue to view these dashboards.


In July of 2021, the Insights Dashboard API will be deprecated and replaced with NerdGraph functionality. For more on this change, and tips on how to migrate, see NerdGraph API for dashboards.

Partnership accounts

This applies only if your account is one of the few using our partnership account structure to deliver New Relic services to your direct customers. In this situation, the Insights EOL will not affect your customers’ pricing. This is simply an EOL for the UI, not an EOL for the account type.


If you have questions about the transition, please comment in our Explorers Hub post. Or, if you work with an account team, they will be happy to help you.



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