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Mobile monitoring alert information

Well-defined alerts help notify individuals or teams about changes in their systems. You can use any of our Alerts and Applied Intelligence capabilities across all the entities you monitor with New Relic.

For example, you can use New Relic Alerts to manage alert policies and conditions that focus on the metrics for mobile apps you monitor with New Relic. After you define alert conditions for your mobile apps, you can view that information in the Alerts UI or in other UI experiences, like the mobile monitoring UI.

Mobile alert conditions

Use any of the following conditions and thresholds when you set up alerts for your mobile apps:

View policies and conditions

To view alert policy and condition information for a specific mobile app:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com, click Mobile, and click Alert conditions.
  2. From the Alert conditions page, use the available tools to search, sort, view, or update the alert conditions and their associated policies.

View events and activities

To view summary information about events and other activity directly from the mobile monitoring UI:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com and click Mobile.
  2. From the index, mouse over the entity's color-coded health status, select a link from the Mobile activity list, or select a mobile app to view additional details.

For example, if a Critical alert violation occurs:

  • The health status indicator turns red on the mobile index and on the selected app.
  • The background color for various charts changes to pink.
  • On your list of monitored mobile apps, the Application activity section shows Warning (yellow) and Critical (red) violations as applicable.

To learn more about an alert violation, mouse over or select any pink area on a chart.

View alert violations


In July 2020, we transitioned alert violations for browser apps, mobile apps, and synthetic monitors to a new format in one.newrelic.com. For more information, see the Applied Intelligence and alerting docs and this Explorers Hub post.

If an alert condition has thresholds set up for Warning (yellow) or Critical (red) violations, the color-coded health status for a product entity will change to indicate a violation. You can view the violations directly from the mobile app's page in New Relic:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com and click Mobile.
  2. Select a mobile app, and then review its Open violations.



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