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Map page for mobile apps (deprecated)


The mobile Maps UI is deprecated since December 22, 2020. Service maps are available in New Relic One's left navigation for each mobile entity, and they are a better way to visualize and customize representations of your architecture. For more information, see our Explorers Hub post.

Maps help you find performance problems for a mobile app or its services. This gives you a clear picture of your app's relationships to other services and the influence of each service on the others. If one service fails, you can see at a glance which other services are affected.

View a map of your mobile app services

To view your mobile app and its related services as an architectural map, go to one.newrelic.com > Mobile > (select a mobile app) > Monitor > Service map. For more information, see the service maps documentation.

If you need to use the deprecated mobile Map page, follow these steps:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > Mobile > (select an app) > Network > Map.
  2. To view HTTP request details for a service, select its name.
  3. To view details for an app monitored by APM that is related to the service, select the service's name below the associated hostname.
  4. To view throughput details as a chart, select the icon or the cpm bar below the service's name.
  5. To view detailed metrics for a service, mouse over the throughput chart.

The Map page for mobile monitoring gives an architectural view of your mobile app and the services it uses,



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