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HTTP requests page

Mobile monitoring has an HTTP requests UI page that helps you better understand HTTP requests associated with your mobile app and how those network calls are affecting performance.

This document describes the Enterprise-level HTTP requests page. Non-Enterprise accounts will see the legacy HTTP requests page.

Find and use HTTP requests page

To view mobile monitoring's HTTP requests page:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > Mobile > (select an app) > Network > HTTP requests.
  2. Use our standard page functions to look for trends in the HTTP analysis charts.
  3. Target specific request and response attributes by grouping, sorting, and filtering the data.

Understand HTTP request data

Here are some places to find the most important HTTP request information:

For a description of the non-Enterprise HTTP requests UI page, see Legacy HTTP requests.

Group, sort, and filter HTTP requests

If you want to...

Do this...

Group and sort HTTP requests in different ways

Make selections from the Group by and Sort by dropdowns. By default, the HTTP requests page is grouped by request domain and sorted by average response time.

Filter for specific HTTP requests

Select an HTTP request from the Errors and failures list and/or select multiple filters from the Filter dropdown.

See or remove applied filters

The filters you select are displayed next to the filter dropdown. To clear filters, select the X icon on the filter you want to clear.

Change the time window

Select a new time period from the time picker dropdown.

View information for a specific app version

Using the Versions dropdown, select the version for which you want to see charts and lists.

View and share HTTP request data

To view any HTTP requests chart in Insights:

  1. Select for any chart.
  2. Select View query > View in Insights.
  3. Optional: Add the data to a dashboard, or share it by using a permalink.
  4. To delve deeper into your request data, query MobileRequest events and attributes.

View legacy HTTP requests UI page

Accounts that do not have an Enterprise-level subscription see a different HTTP requests UI page:



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