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PHP: Configure logs in context

Logs in context for the PHP agent connects your logs and APM data in New Relic. Bringing all of this data together in a single tool helps you quickly get to the root cause of an issue and find the log lines that you need to identify and resolve a problem.

Set up your PHP app

To enable logs in context for APM apps monitored by PHP:

  1. Make sure you have already set up logging in New Relic. This includes configuring a supported log forwarder that collects your application logs and extends the metadata that is forwarded to New Relic.
  2. Install or update to the latest PHP agent version, and enable distributed tracing. Use PHP agent version or higher for logs in context.
  3. Install Monolog version 1 or 2, or use a compatible log forwarding plugin if you are not using the built-in Monolog Handler for New Relic.
  4. Configure logs in context for PHP using the Monolog extension, if used.
  1. To verify that you have configured the log appender correctly, run your application, then check your logs data in New Relic One using the query operator has:span.id has:trace.id.

If everything is configured correctly and your data is being forwarded to New Relic with the enriched metadata, your logs should now be emitted as JSON and contain trace.id and span.id fields. If you don't see log data in the UI, follow the troubleshooting procedures.

If the logs from your application do not include fields like trace.id and span.id, there may be a problem with the configuration of the Monolog log enricher. In this situation:

  • Check that the PHP agent for your app has been installed and is configured to enable distributed tracing.
  • Check that your application is using the Monolog logger object when sending log records, not syslog().
  • Check that another Monolog handler is not preventing the log record from bubbling.

What's next?

After you set up APM logs in context, make the most of your logging data:



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