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Parsing log data

Parsing is the process of splitting unstructured log data into attributes (key/value pairs). You can use these attributes to facet or filter logs in useful ways. This in turn helps you build better charts and alerts.

To get started with parsing, you may want to watch the following video tutorial on YouTube (approx. 4-1/2 minutes).

New Relic parses log data according to rules. This document describes how logs parsing works, how to use built-in rules, and how to create custom rules.

You can also create, query, and manage your log parsing rules by using NerdGraph, our GraphQL API, at api.newrelic.com/graphiql. For more information, see our NerdGraph tutorial for parsing.


A good example is a default NGINX access log containing unstructured text. It is useful for searching but not much else. Here's an example of a typical line: - - [10/May/1997:08:05:32 +0000] "GET /downloads/product_1 HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "-" "Debian APT-HTTP/1.3 (0.8.16~exp12ubuntu10.21)"

In an unparsed format, you would need to do a full text search to answer most questions. After parsing, the log is organized into attributes, like response code and request URL:

"bytesSent": 0,
"user_agent": "Debian APT-HTTP/1.3 (0.8.16~exp12ubuntu10.21)"

Parsing makes it easier to create custom queries that facet on those values. This helps you understand the distribution of response codes per request URL and quickly find problematic pages.

How log parsing works

Here's an overview of how New Relic implements parsing of logs:

Log parsing

How it works


  • All parsing takes place against the message field; no other fields can be parsed.
  • Each parsing rule is created with matching criteria that determines which logs the rule will attempt to parse.
  • To simplify the matching process, we recommend adding a logtype attribute to your logs. However, you are not limited to using logtype; any attribute can be used as matching criteria.


  • Parsing will only be applied once to each log message. If multiple parsing rules match the log, only the first that succeeds will be applied.
  • Parsing takes place during log ingestion, before data is written to NRDB. Once data has been written to storage, it can no longer be parsed.
  • Parsing occurs in the pipeline before data enrichments take place. Be careful when defining the matching criteria for a parsing rule. If the criteria is based on an attribute that doesn't exist untail after parsing or enrichment take place, that data won't be present in the logs when matching occurs. As a result, no parsing will happen.


  • Rules can be written in Grok, regex, or a mixture of the two. Grok is a collection of patterns that abstract away complicated regular expressions.
  • If the content of the message field is JSON, it will be parsed automatically.

New Relic's log ingestion pipeline can parse data by matching a log event to a rule that describes how the log should be parsed. There are two ways log events can be parsed:

Rules are a combination of matching logic and parsing logic. Matching is done by defining a query match on an attribute of the logs. Rules are not applied retroactively. Logs collected before a rule is created are not parsed by that rule.

The simplest way to organize your logs and how they are parsed is to include the logtype field in your log event. This tells New Relic what built-in rule to apply to the logs.


Once a parsing rule is active, data parsed by the rule is permanently changed. This cannot be reverted.

Log parsing rules UI

From the left nav in the Logs UI, select Parsing, then create your own custom parsing rule with an attribute, value, and Grok pattern.


Parsing is computationally expensive, which introduces risk. Parsing is done for custom rules defined in an account and for matching patterns to a log. A large number of patterns or poorly defined custom rules will consume a huge amount of memory and CPU resources while also taking a very long time to complete.

In order to prevent problems, we apply two parsing limits: per-message-per-rule and per-account.




The per-message-per-rule limit prevents the time spent parsing any single message from being greater than 100 ms. If that limit is reached, the system will cease attempting to parse the log message with that rule.

The ingestion pipeline will attempt to run any other applicable on that message, and the message will still be passed through the ingestion pipeline and stored in NRDB. The log message will be in its original, unparsed format.


The per-account limit exists to prevent accounts from using more than their fair share of resources. The limit considers the total time spent processing all log messages for an account per-minute.

The limit is not a fixed value; it scales up or down proportionally to the volume of data stored daily by the account and the environment size that is subsequently allocated to support that customer.


To easily check if your rate limits have been reached, go to your system Limits page in the New Relic UI.

Built-in parsing rules

Common log formats have well-established parsing rules already created for them. To get the benefit of built-in parsing rules, add the logtype attribute when forwarding logs. Set the value to something listed in the following table, and the rules for that type of log will be applied automatically.

List of built-in rules

The following logtype attribute values map to a predefined parsing rule. For example, to query the Application Load Balancer:

  • From the New Relic UI, use the format logtype: alb.
  • From NerdGraph, use the format logtype = 'alb'.

To learn what fields are parsed for each rule, see our documentation about built-in parsing rules.


Example matching query


AWS Application Load Balancer



Apache Access



CloudFront Web



Amazon Elastic Load Balancer



Microsoft IIS server logs - W3C format



Monit logs



MySQL Error



NGINX access logs



NGINX error logs



Amazon Route 53 logs





Add the logtype attribute

When aggregating logs, it's important to provide metadata that makes it easy to organize, search, and parse those logs. One simple way of doing this is to add the attribute logtype to the log messages when they are shipped. Built-in parsing rules are applied by default to certain logtype values.

Here are some examples of how to add logtype to logs sent by some of our supported shipping methods.

Create custom parsing rules

Many logs are formatted or structured in a unique way. In order to parse them, custom logic must be built and applied.

Log parsing rules

From the left nav in the Logs UI, select Parsing, then create your own custom parsing rule with an attribute, value, and Grok pattern.

To create and manage your own, custom parsing rules:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > Logs.
  2. From Manage Data on the left nav of the Logs UI, click Parsing, then click Create parsing rule.
  3. Enter the parsing rule's name.
  4. Choose an attribute and value to match on.
  5. Write your Grok pattern and test the rule. To learn about Grok and custom parsing rules, read our blog post about how to parse logs with Grok patterns.
  6. Enable and save the custom parsing rule.

Log parsing rules

To view the list of custom parsing rules: From Manage Data on the left nav of the Logs UI, click Parsing.

To view existing parsing rules:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > Logs.
  2. From Manage Data on the left nav of the Logs UI, click Parsing.


If parsing is not working the way you intended, it may be due to:

  • Logic: The parsing rule matching logic does not match the logs you want.
  • Timing: If your parsing matching rule targets a value that doesn't exist yet, it will fail. This can occur if the value is added later in the pipeline as part of the enrichment process.
  • Limits: There is a fixed amount of time available every minute to process logs via parsing, patterns, drop filters, etc. If the maximum amount of time has been spent, parsing will be skipped for additional log event records.

To resolve these problems, create or adjust your custom parsing rules.



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