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Product-based pricing usage and New Relic Platform Pricing Usage Plan


This doc explains our original product-based pricing plan. For more about pricing changes, see Overview of pricing changes.

The following provisions are applicable to existing customers (i) that have existing Terms, and (ii) that to the extent its subscription to the New Relic products reference the usage plans set forth below or where a subscription has indeterminate product pricing or usage quantities. New customers are eligible for New Relic One pricing as described here. Capitalized terms not defined below shall take on the meaning set forth in such New Relic order form.

Usage Plan: New Relic Platform Pricing

The following Eligible Services with New Relic are products that are referenced in specific order forms for New Relic Platform Pricing. For more information, contact your New Relic account representative.

Eligible Services

Eligible Services

Per Unit

Unit of Measure

Monthly Standard
Fee Rate

New Relic APM Pro CU Annual*


Compute Units


New Relic APM Pro Host Annual*




New Relic Insights Pro Annual




New Relic Infrastructure Pro Annual


Compute Units


New Relic Browser Pro Annual


Page Views


New Relic Logs Annual - 8 Days**


Per GB Daily


New Relic Logs Annual - 15 Days**


Per GB Daily


New Relic Logs Annual - 30 Days**


Per GB Daily


New Relic Metrics Annual


Data Points per Minute


New Relic Mobile Enterprise Annual


Total Users


New Relic Serverless for AWS Lambda Annual


AWS Lambda Events


New Relic Synthetics Pro Annual




New Relic Synthetics private locations (for New Relic Synthetics Pro Annual product)

Fixed fee



New Relic Traces Annual




New Relic AI Incident Intelligence Annual


Incident Events


New Relic AI Proactive Detection Annual


App Transactions


* Customer may utilize either New Relic APM Pro Annual or New Relic APM Pro CUs Annual, but not both. Customer will be provisioned New Relic APM Pro CUs Annual by default, unless otherwise stated in the relevant Order Form.

** Customer may utilize only one of New Relic Logs Annual - 8 Days, New Relic Logs Annual - 15 Days, or New Relic Logs Annual - 30 days. For the avoidance of doubt, Customer may not utilize New Relic Logs Annual with varying numbers of days retention concurrently. Customer will be provisioned New Relic Logs Annual - 30 Days by default, unless otherwise stated in the relevant Order Form.

For more information about units of measures, see Product definitions.

Eligible Services (Partners)

Eligible services for New Relic Partners


New Relic APM Pro CU Annual*

Sold in Units of 8,900 Compute Units

New Relic APM Pro Host Annual*

Sold in Units of 1 Host

New Relic Browser Pro Annual

Sold in Units of 500,000 Page Views

New Relic Infrastructure Pro Annual

Sold in Units of 125,000 Compute Units

New Relic Insights Pro Annual

Sold in Units of 45,000,000 Events

New Relic Logs Annual - 8 Days**

Sold in Units of 3 GB Daily

New Relic Logs Annual - 15 Days**

Sold in Units of 2.5 GB Daily

New Relic Logs Annual - 30 Days**

Sold in Units of 2 GB Daily

New Relic Metrics Annual

Sold in Units of 6,000 Data Points per Minute

New Relic Mobile Enterprise Annual

Sold in Units of 15,000 Total Users

New Relic Serverless for AWS Lambda Annual

Sold in Units of 10,000,000 AWS Lambda Events

New Relic Synthetics Pro with Private Locations Annual

Sold in Units of 22,000 Checks

New Relic Traces Annual

Sold in Units of 149,000,000 Spans

* Customer and/or Partner may utilize either New Relic APM Pro Annual or New Relic APM Pro CUs Annual, but not both. Customer and/or Partner will be provisioned New Relic APM Pro CUs Annual by default, unless otherwise stated in the relevant Order Form.

** Customer and/or Partner may utilize only one of New Relic Logs Annual - 8 Days, New Relic Logs Annual - 15 Days, or New Relic Logs Annual - 30 days. For the avoidance of doubt, Customer may not utilize New Relic Logs Annual with varying numbers of days retention concurrently. Customer and/or Partner will be provisioned New Relic Logs Annual - 30 Days by default, unless otherwise stated in the relevant Order Form.

Subscriptions with indeterminate pricing or usage quantities

Product Usage Ratio

Where a Customer subscription to the Products contain no specific pricing or quantities, Product-specific usage for a specific calendar month shall be determined through the calculation of the following ratio (the “Product Usage Ratio”) where: (1) the numerator shall be the Product specific usage for such calendar month multiplied by such Product’s list price, and (2) the denominator shall be the the aggregate Customer usage of all Products during such calendar month multiplied by all such Product(s) list price. The Product Usage Ratio shall be the percentage of usage for a specific Product for a calendar month period, or if usage cannot be measured for a period, the last Product Usage Ratio that can be calculated shall be assumed constant.



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