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Azure Functions monitoring integration

Our infrastructure monitoring provides an integration for Microsoft Azure Functions that reports data from your Azure Functions service to New Relic. This document explains how to activate this integration and describes the data that can be captured.


Our Azure Functions integration reports metric data about your Functions service, like the number of function executions, bytes sent and received and HTTP error counts. It also collects inventory data about the status and configuration of the service.

You can monitor and alert on your Azure Functions data with our Infrastructure monitoring, and you can create custom queries and chart dashboards.

Activate integration

To enable this integration follow the standard procedures to activate your Azure service for infrastructure monitoring.

Configuration and polling

You can change the polling frequency and filter data using configuration options.

Default polling information for the Azure Functions integration:

  • Polling interval: 5 minutes
  • Resolution: 1 data point per minute

Find and use data

To find your integration data, go to one.newrelic.com, in the top nav click Infrastructure, then click Azure and look for the integration.

You can query and explore your data using the AzureFunctionsAppSample event type. Inventory data has a provider value of AzureFunctionsApp.

For more on how to find and use integration data, see Understand and use data.

Metric data

To view metrics reported by the Azure Functions integration, query the AzureFunctionsAppSample event type. Use the metadata associated with each metric to filter and facet the data being reported. For detailed metric information, see the Azure supported metrics documentation.





Average count in bytes of memory working set.



Function execution count.



Function execution in units.



Total number of HTTP server errors 500-599.



Total bytes of memory working set.



Total bytes received by the functions.



Total bytes sent by the functions.


Inventory data

Inventory data is information about your system's state and configuration. For details on how to find and use inventory data, see Understand and use data.

The Azure Functions integration reports this inventory data:

  • alwaysOn
  • availabilityState
  • clientAffinityEnabled
  • clientCertEnabled
  • containerSize
  • cors
  • defaultDocuments
  • defaultHostName
  • detailedErrorLoggingEnabled
  • enabled
  • enabledHostNames
  • gatewaySiteName
  • hostNames
  • hostNameBinding
  • hostNamesDisabled
  • hostNameSslStates
  • httpLoggingEnabled
  • isPremiumApp
  • lastModifiedTime
  • loadBalancing
  • logsDirectorySizeLimit
  • managedPipelineMode
  • microService
  • netFrameworkVersion
  • numberOfWorkers
  • operatingSystem
  • outboundIpAddresses
  • phpVersion
  • platformArchitecture
  • remoteDebuggingEnabled
  • remoteDebuggingVersion
  • repositorySiteName
  • scmType
  • state
  • scmSiteAlsoStopped
  • storageAccount
  • targetSwapSlot
  • tracingOptions
  • usageState

Other system data

The Azure Functions integration also collects these attributes about the service and its configuration:

  • availabilityState
  • defaultHostName
  • enabled
  • isPremiumApp
  • javaVersion
  • netFrameworkVersion
  • nodeVersion
  • operatingSystem
  • phpVersion
  • pythonVersion
  • platformArchitecture
  • state
  • usageState



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