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Overview: Set up distributed tracing

We offer a variety of ways to capture distributed tracing data, including:

New Relic integrations

We offer a range of agents to capture trace data from your applications:



Language agents

See telemetry data from applications instrumented with our language-specific agents: C, Go, Java, .NET, Node.js, PHP, Python, and Ruby.

Monitoring for AWS Lambda

See Lambda function activity, and examine the functions in your traces.


See users' browser-side traces.


See users' mobile traces.

New Relic integrations for third-party telemetry tools

If you are collecting data with these telemetry tools, you can send your data to New Relic:

Set up your own solution with our Trace API

Send data from your telemetry tool directly to New Relic without using an integration that exports the data.


Note that this may require more manual configuration than using an integration.

Data format


Trace API: New Relic format

Convert your trace data to the New Relic format and send it to New Relic for viewing.

Trace API: Data in Zipkin format

Send your Zipkin trace data to New Relic for viewing.



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