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Know your data limits

To ensure our systems are always up and ready to support you, and to keep you from unintended use, we place limits on the amount of data you can send, query, and store.

Responses to limit violations

Limits are enforced per child account, and across our APIs. You might reach a limit if you start monitoring a new high-traffic application, or have a sudden data spike. When you do reach a limit, New Relic responds according to the type of data and the limit that’s reached. For example:

  • We place a limit on the number of ingested requests per minute (RPM) per data type. When this limit is reached, we stop accepting data and return a 429 status code for the duration of the minute.
  • For queries, we place limits on the number of queries per minute and the number of records inspected (see query limits). When the number of queries per minute limit is reached, New Relic will begin rejecting queries until the number of queries is below the limit. When the records inspected limit is reached, New Relic will reject traffic from the source scanning the largest number of records and attempt to allow traffic from other sources.
  • For metrics, we place a limit on the number of unique timeseries (cardinality) per account and per metric. When this limit is reached, aggregated data is turned off for the rest of the UTC day.

For every major limit violation, New Relic creates an NrIntegrationError event for that account, which has these limit-related attributes:




RateLimit or ApiLimit. The RateLimit category is used for limits based on a unit of time such as the number of requests ingested per minute. The ApiLimit is used for constant limits, such as the number of attributes on a record.


The name of the limit.


Describes the limit and the impact.


The limit reached.

System limits UI

The system Limits page (from the account dropdown, click Manage your data and click Limits on the left) displays when your account has encountered a rate limit in the specified time period. The page displays a default period of 24 hours; you can set a custom range from the top-right of the page.

Non-limit-related NrIntegrationError events are not displayed here. In addition, this page does not display information about limits you have not hit, or how close you are to reaching a limit. For more on creating queries and alerts for data ingest and billing metrics, see Query billing/usage data.

screenshot of limits graph

one.newrelic.com > account dropdown > Manage your data > Limits: An example of a chart on the Limits UI page displaying a cardinality violation limit issue.

To add more detail, or build a dashboard, click the View NRQL button on the chart to see the NRQL powering this view. The graph displays each unique limit type that was reached during the selected time-period. This can help you find any trends based on time.

The Limits page also provides a table where you can find the limit name, the limit event message associated with it, and last occurrence time and date. If you click a limit in the table, you see more about what happened, and when.

screenshot of limits message table

one.newrelic.com > account dropdown > Manage your data > Limits: An example of a limit events table on the Limits UI page.

Troubleshooting system limits

To troubleshoot limits when you reach them, click the limit info in the table, and then follow the docs link that's provided. Different limits have different solutions.

Account-level limits

The following table includes general max limits that apply across all New Relic accounts. Specific New Relic tools, like agents and integrations, have their own limits and configurations, and might be lower than these theoretical maximum limits.

Limited condition


Rate of NRDB record* ingest

55 million per account per minute

Max NRDB records* ingested per API call

1MB (10^6 bytes)

Max attribute value size

1KB (10^3 bytes)

Max payload size

1MB (10^6 bytes)

Max total attributes per data type (including default attributes)

254 (less for some tools; for example, 64 for agents)

Number of unique custom data types

250 per account per day (applies to custom events because that's source of new data types)

APM limits

  • Agent instances: 50K per account
  • Agent instances per app: 10K
  • APM apps/services: 10K per second

Browser: number of page views

1M per minute per app

Distributed tracing: Max age of span timestamp values

20 minutes. Timestamp must be within 20 minutes of current time at ingest or within 20 minutes from the time the last span with the same trace.id was received by New Relic.

Distributed tracing: Max spans per minute per account

Dependent on agreement. Max limit: 2M.

Distributed tracing: Max spans per trace


Distributed tracing: Max attributes per span


Rate of metric timeslice data (used by APM, browser, mobile)

  • Ingest: 2 million per minute
  • Rate of names: 4 million per minute per account
  • Number per monitored app: 300K

Mobile monitoring: number of crashes reported

10K per hour

Infrastructure agents, integrations

  • Number of infrastructure agents and/or integrations: 5K per account
  • Gross number of new monitored containers: 5K per hour per account

Query limits

  • NRDB records* inspected: 100 billion per account per hour
  • Rate of queries: 20 per account per second
  • See other query limits

* NRDB records refers to database records for our core data types, which includes events, metrics (dimensional), logs, and distributed tracing (span) data, all stored in the New Relic database (NRDB). This does not include metric timeslice data.

Data ingest API limits

Our ingest APIs have additional limits that may override the more general account-level limits. Note that these limits also apply to our tools that use these APIs (like our Telemetry SDKs or our open source telemetry integrations).

Finding other agent and integration limits

To find limits for our other agents and integrations, which will override more general account-level limits, see the docs for those tools: you can search our solutions here. Some default reporting limits are located in these tools' configuration docs.



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