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Update the browser agent

Running the latest version of our browser agent ensures you can access all browser features and enhancements. To update to the latest version, check your version number, then follow the steps for either updating an APM-managed installation or upgrading a copy/paste installation.

Check your version number

To verify your browser version number:

  1. View the source code of a page which includes the JavaScript snippet.
  2. Search the page source for js-agent.newrelic.com/nr-.

The numbers that follow nr- are your current version. For example, js-agent.newrelic.com/nr-593.min.js indicates you are running version 593 of the browser script.

There are different agent types. The Pro+SPA agent has the format js-agent.newrelic.com/nr-spa-1184.min.js

To verify the latest version of the browser script loader:

  1. Go to js-agent.newrelic.com/nr-loader-full-current.min.js .
  2. Search for js-agent.newrelic.com/nr-, then note the numbers that follow nr-.

If the latest version number is higher than the number of the version you are currently running, update your browser agent.

Check deployment method

Your browser agent may have been deployed in two ways: either using a manual implementation (copying and pasting the snippet) or automatically instrumented using an APM agent. To check which deployment method was used, run this command in the JavaScript console:

> newrelic.info.sa

If the command returns 1, then your browser agent used the copy/paste method.

Update your APM-managed installation

To update your APM-managed browser installation, restart your APM agent. Your app will automatically update to the latest JavaScript snippet.

To ensure the new script registers, you may need to clear your cache. For more information, follow the troubleshooting procedures to manually check and clear the cache.

Update your copy/paste installation

Use any of the following options to access the browser JavaScript snippet needed to update a copy/paste installation. After accessing the snippet, be sure to replace all of your existing snippet with the new version.

  • If you have a standalone installation with a few applications, you can retrieve the snippet from the UI, and then replace it with the new version.
  • If you have many applications, you can use the REST API or the loader endpoint to automate the update process.


Do not simply change the version number in the existing snippet. This can result in incomplete data collection. For best results after you use any of the following options, always update the agent.



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