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addToTrace (browser agent API)


newrelic.addToTrace(JavaScript object $custom_object)

Adds a JavaScript object with a custom name, start time, etc. to an in-progress session trace.


Agent version nr-593 or higher.


Custom events within browser session traces can provide context for other user actions, errors, and default events within the trace. This event will appear in the browser session trace details.

  • If a session trace currently is in progress, this adds an object with a user-defined name, start time, and other optional fields.
  • If you make this call and a session trace is not already in progress, this will not cause browser to capture a trace.

Note that the number of events shared this way is limited by the Browser agent harvest cycle. Here is the last update on that limit.





JavaScript object

Required. Supply a JavaScript object with these required and optional name/value pairs:

  • Required name/value pairs: NAME, START

  • Optional name/value pairs: END, ORIGIN, TYPE

    If you are sending the same event object to New Relic One as a PageAction, omit the TYPE attribute. (TYPE is a string to describe what type of event you are marking inside of a session trace.) If included, it will override the event type and cause the PageAction event to be sent incorrectly. Instead, use the NAME attribute for event information.


var obj = {
  name: 'Event Name',
  start: 1417044274239, // Time in ms since epoch

  end: 1417044274252,
  // Time in ms since epoch. Defaults to same as start resulting in trace object with a duration of zero.
  origin: 'Origin of event',
  // Defaults to empty string
  type: 'What type of event was this'
  // Defaults to empty string



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