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Transaction traces: Summary page

In APM, the transaction trace Summary page shows a summary of the data from a specific transaction trace. This document describes the main sections and functions you can use.

Transaction trace Summary page

To view transaction trace data, go to one.newrelic.com > APM > (select an app) > Monitor > Transactions > (select a transaction trace). The transaction trace's Summary page has four main areas:



Primary trace data, functions

At the top of all transaction trace pages are some primary measurements and functions. Measurements include response time, trace time, and, if available, CPU info. Sometimes there also may be a note that it is a partial trace.

Available functions include:

  • Delete this trace: When you delete a trace, it cannot be retrieved.
  • Track as key transaction.


This chart shows the trace segments that took the longest time, ordered by percentage of time spent. The remaining trace segments are grouped as Remainder.

To show additional display options, mouse over the chart.

Slowest components

The Slowest components table shows the number of calls, total duration, and percentage for each of the slowest components.

Transaction attributes

This section displays available transaction attributes, including default attributes (such as referring URL and request headers) and custom attributes. The exact request attributes collected by default depend on the New Relic language agent you use.

To turn attribute collection on or off for traces, you can either use the agent config file or the UI Settings > Application page (if your New Relic agent allows server-side configuration).

The other main transaction trace UI page is the Trace details page.



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