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APM SLA reports

APM provides service level agreement (SLA) reports. SLA reports help you better understand your application performance by showing application downtime and trends over time.

SLA reports for an application only include web transactions. If your application creates only non-web transactions, New Relic does not produce SLA reports for that app.

SLA reports can be viewed in APM or downloaded as comma-separated value (.csv) files. Depending on your account level's data retention policy, you can view daily, weekly, or monthly reports.

View SLA reports

To view the SLA reports for your app: Go to one.newrelic.com > Applications > (select an app) > Reports > SLA. The report defaults to the Weekly SLA report tab. SLA report data shows the account owner's time zone, with periods beginning and ending at midnight in that time zone.

If you have not enabled browser for your app, the SLA report shows links to requests, response time, and Apdex only for your application server.

If you want to...

Do this

Show or hide details

Select the End user tier (if available) or Application server heading.

View another time period

Select the tab for daily, weekly, or monthly SLA reports if available.

Save or export the report

Select Download this report as .csv to create a report file with comma-separated values.

View metric trends

To drill down into detailed information, select the link. This includes:

  • End users (from browser): Page views, load time, and Apdex
  • Application server (from APM agents, such as Java or Ruby): Requests, response time, and Apdex

The metric detail window below the report list shows trends over the selected period (12 days, weeks, or months). Use any of New Relic's available standard page functions to drill down into detailed information. In addition:

  • To view other details, select its link.
  • To clear the details and return to the main SLA report, select the tab.

Analyze your data

APM includes several reports in the user interface. To gather, analyze, and visualize data about your software in other formats, use query builder.



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