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Delayed::Job instrumentation

The Ruby agent has built-in instrumentation for the Delayed::Job library. No additional instrumentation is required.

Viewing background tasks

As long as the New Relic Ruby agent's gem or plugin is loaded before the Delayed::Job worker starts, all tasks will be monitored with the same level of detail as controller actions. To view the actions themselves:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > APM > (select an app) > Monitor > Transactions.
  2. From the APM Transactions page, select Other transactions.


The Ruby agent depends on being able to identify that it is running under Delayed::Job in order to correctly set up instrumentation. To do this, it examines the script name (the $0 variable in Ruby) to see whether it ends with delayed_job.

If you have renamed the script you use to start your delayed_job workers to something else, or if you have a custom script with a different name, you will need to explicitly tell the agent that you are using Delayed::Job by setting the NEW_RELIC_DISPATCHER environment variable to delayed_job when starting your Delayed::Job workers. For example:

NEW_RELIC_DISPATCHER=delayed_job bundle exec ./script/my_custom_script

If it appears that jobs are not being monitored, review the newrelic_agent.log file generated when the worker starts up. It should indicate whether the agent detects Delayed and communicates with the server. If you do not find a log, or if you still cannot determine why the jobs do not appear, get support at support.newrelic.com.



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