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Python agent API

The Python agent API allows you to set up custom instrumentation and performance monitoring of your Python application. For an introduction to the API and tips for accomplishing specific tasks, see the Python agent API overview.

Python agent API different call forms

accept_distributed_trace_headers (Python agent API)

This method is used for accepting the headers used to connect transactions within a distributed trace.

accept_distributed_trace_payload (Python agent API)

This method is used for accepting the payloads used to connect transactions within a distributed trace.

add_custom_parameter (Python agent API)

Adds a custom attribute to a transaction.

add_custom_parameters (Python agent API)

Adds one or more custom attributes to a transaction.

add_custom_span_attribute (Python agent API)

Adds a custom attribute to a span event.

application (Python agent API)

Returns object corresponding to an agent monitored app; required by some Python agent API calls.

application_settings (Python agent API)

Returns an application settings object.

asgi_application (Python agent API)

Monitor web transactions by marking the ASGI application entry point.

background_task (Python agent API)

Used to instrument a background task or other non-web transaction.

callable_name (Python agent API)

Returns a string name identifying the supplied object.

capture_request_params (Python agent API)

Enables capture of a transaction's query string parameters.

create_distributed_trace_payload (Python agent API)

This method is used for generating payloads used to connect transactions within a distributed trace.

current_transaction (Python agent API)

Returns an object corresponding to the current transaction.

data_source_factory (Python agent API)

Wraps a data source defined as a factory.

data_source_generator (Python agent API)

Wraps a metric-data-generating data source.

datastore_trace (Python agent API)

Used to instrument calls to datastores.

disable_browser_autorum (Python agent API)

Disables browser monitoring for a web request.

end_of_transaction (Python agent API)

Ends the current transaction.

external_trace (Python agent API)

Report calls to external services as transaction trace segments.

function_trace (Python agent API)

Used to instrument functions, methods, generators, and coroutines that aren't instrumented by default.

get_browser_timing_footer (Python agent API)

Generates a browser agent footer for injecting the JavaScript agent.

get_browser_timing_header (Python agent API)

Generates a browser agent header for injecting the JavaScript agent.

get_linking_metadata (Python agent API)

Returns a dictionary of contextual data for use in log messages.

global_settings (Python agent API)

This call returns a reference to the Python agent's global settings object.

ignore_transaction (Python agent API)

Ignores the current transaction.

initialize (Python agent API)

Initializes the Python agent with a specified config file during a manual integration process.

insert_distributed_trace_headers (Python agent API)

This method is used for inserting headers used to connect transactions within a distributed trace.

message_trace (Python agent API)

Report messaging functions as transaction trace segments.

message_transaction (Python agent API)

Report message functions as transactions.

notice_error (Python agent API)

Records details of a Python exception as an error.

record_custom_event (Python agent API)

Records a custom event for use in querying

record_custom_metric (Python agent API)

Records a single custom metric.

record_custom_metrics (Python agent API)

Records a set of custom metrics.

record_exception (Python agent API)

Records details of a Python exception as an error.

register_application (Python agent API)

Registers the Python agent immediately. Used for manual initialization of agent.

register_data_source (Python agent API)

Registers a data source for generating custom metric data.

set_background_task (Python agent API)

Marks a transaction as a "background task."

set_transaction_name (Python agent API)

Sets the name of the current transaction.

shutdown_agent (Python agent API)

Forcibly shuts down the agent.

suppress_apdex_metric (Python agent API)

Prevents the current transaction from contributing to Apdex.

suppress_transaction_trace (Python agent API)

Prevents the current transaction from generating a transaction trace.


Used to instrument a web transaction.

wsgi_application (Python agent API)

Monitor web transactions by marking the WSGI application entry point.

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