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NerdGraph tutorial: Query your data using NRQL

You can use the New Relic NerdGraph GraphiQL explorer to make New Relic Query Language (NRQL) queries. To learn how to construct these queries and see responses, go to the NerdGraph GraphiQL explorer at api.newrelic.com/graphiql. This document explains some of the available functions for NRQL queries.

Basic NRQL queries with NerdGraph

To make NRQL queries using NerdGraph:

  1. Go to the NerdGraph GraphiQL explorer at api.newrelic.com/graphiql.
  2. Pass the NRQL query as a string argument to the NRQL object, and include the results field in your NerdGraph query.

For example, to get a count of all transaction events in the last hour, use the following query:

   actor {
      account(id: YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID) {
         nrql(query: "SELECT count(*) FROM Transaction SINCE 1 HOUR AGO") {

This NerdGraph query example returns the following results:

   "data": {
      "actor": {
         "account": {
            "nrql": {
               "results": [
                  "count": 1000

The actual value of the count varies depending on your transaction data. Use the NerdGraph GraphiQL explorer to experiment with queries.

Create embeddable charts

In addition to returning raw data, you can fetch embeddable chart links for the data to use in an application. For example, instead of a single count of transaction, you can create a chart that illustrates a timeseries of bucketed counts over time. Add TIMESERIES to your query with embeddedChartUrl:

   actor {
      account(id: YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID) {
         nrql(query: "SELECT count(*) from Transaction TIMESERIES") {

This NerdGraph query example returns the URL for the chart in the following response:

   "data": {
      "actor": {
         "account": {
            "nrql": {
               "embeddedChartUrl": "https://chart-embed.service.newrelic.com/charts/EMBEDDABLE-CHART-ID"

If you view the embedded chart URL using any standard HTTP client, it returns an image showing a visualization of the response to the query you submitted. These charts follow the same embedded chart rules as embedded charts that are created elsewhere. To change the style of the data visualization, pass a chartType argument to embeddedChartUrl.

Suggested facets

When using NerdGraph to explore your data, you can use the suggestedFacets field to return suggested attributes for use in faceted NRQL queries.



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