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New Relic API keys

New Relic has several different APIs that use different API keys. This resource explains our keys, what they're used for, and how to access them.

API key UI

Most of the keys can be viewed and managed via the API keys UI page: From the account dropdown, click API keys (get a direct link to the API keys page).

If you're using NerdGraph, you can manage license keys and user keys from our GraphiQL explorer.

Overview of keys

If you're using a specific API, see the docs for that API to understand which keys are required and recommended. To learn about our APIs, see Introduction to APIs.

Our keys can be broken down into two categories:

Keys for data ingest

There are many ways to get data into New Relic. Here are the API keys used for data ingest:

  • License key: our primary ingest key, used for APM ingest, infrastructure monitoring ingest, and our ingest APIs and the integrations that use them.
  • Browser key: used for browser monitoring ingest.
  • Mobile app token: used for mobile monitoring ingest.
  • Insights insert key: an older key that has been mostly deprecated, it has the same functionality as the license key. We recommend using the license key instead.

Keys for querying and configuration

Here are keys used for querying New Relic data or configuration of features:

  • User key, also known as a "personal API key": used for NerdGraph (our GraphQL API) and for accessing REST API endpoints.
  • REST API key: used for the REST API but we instead recommend using the user key because it has fewer restrictions.
  • Insights query key: used with the Insights query API for querying New Relic data. We recommend using NerdGraph instead of this API.

License key

Our primary key used for data ingest is called the license key, also referenced in the UI and NerdGraph API as ingest - license. The license key is a 40-character hexadecimal string associated with a New Relic account. Each account in a New Relic organization has its own license key. When you first sign up for New Relic, that creates an organization with a single account, and that account has its own license key. If more accounts are added, each account will have its own license key.

The types of data ingest the license key is used for include:

The license key is used for all data ingest except for browser monitoring data (which uses a browser key) and mobile monitoring data (which uses a mobile app token).

Because the license key is used for data ingest, we recommend you treat your license key securely, like you would a password. This ensures no unwanted data is sent to your New Relic account. If your license key falls into the wrong hands, an attacker could send fake data to your account, which could trigger false alerts and contaminate your data so that detecting actual issues is more difficult. If you believe a license key has been exposed and has led to unwanted data, work with our Support team.

View and manage license key

To manage the license key: From the account dropdown, click API keys (get a direct link to the API keys page).

You can't manage or delete the original license key that was created when an account was initially created. For that, contact New Relic support.

You can also create additional license keys and manage them with our NerdGraph API.

User key

New Relic user keys, sometimes referred to as "personal API keys", are required for using NerdGraph and for the REST API.

A user key is tied to both a specific New Relic user and a specific account. Our APIs that use this key let a user make queries for any accounts that user has been granted access to.

To view and manage the user key and other API keys in the UI: From the account dropdown, click API keys (here's a direct link to the API keys page).

To manage this key via API, see Manage keys with NerdGraph. You can also get or generate a user key from the NerdGraph GraphiQL explorer.

Browser key

One of the New Relic API keys that are used for data ingest is the browser key. The browser key allows the ingestion of data from New Relic browser monitoring.

To view and manage this key: From the account dropdown, click API keys (here's a direct link to the API keys page).

You can't manage or delete an original browser key that was created when your account was created. For that, contact New Relic support.

Insights insert key


This key is still in use but we highly recommend using the license key, which can be used for the same things and more.

One of the New Relic API keys used for data ingest is the Insights insert key, also known as an "insert key"). Note that the license key is used for the same functionality and more, which is why we recommend the license key over this key.

This key is used for the ingestion of data via our Event API, Log API, Metric API, and Trace API, or via tools that use those APIs.

Tips on availability and access:

  • Because these keys are associated with an account and not a specific user, anyone in the account with access to a key can use it.
  • As a best practice for security purposes, we recommend you use different Insights insert keys for different applications or different data sources.

To find and manage Insights insert keys: From the account dropdown, click API keys (get a direct link to the API keys page). Then click Insights insert keys.



We highly recommend using a user key instead, because that key has fewer restrictions.

The REST API key is for using our REST APIs for Alerts, APM, browser, infrastructure alerts, as well as mobile monitoring REST APIs and the API Explorer.

Things to consider:

  • We recommend using our newer NerdGraph API over the REST API, if possible.
  • Requires admin-level user permissions. If you don't have access to the REST API key or the REST API explorer, it might be due to lack of permissions. Talk to your New Relic account manager, or use a user key instead.
  • Each New Relic account can have only one REST API key.

To find and manage REST API keys: From the account dropdown, click API keys (get a direct link to the API keys page). Then click REST API key. Before you configure or delete an API key, ensure you are doing so for the correct account.

Insights query key

The Insights query key is used for our Insights query API: we now recommend using NerdGraph for querying New Relic data.

To find and manage Insights query keys: From the account dropdown, click API keys (get a direct link to the API keys page). Then click Insights query keys.

Admin key


As of December 4, 2020, all existing admin keys have been migrated to be user keys.

You don’t need to do anything for existing admin keys to remain active. They will be automatically accessible via the API keys UI, labeled as user keys, and granted identical permissions. You can manage them as you would any user key via the same workflow.

All migrated admin keys will have a note that says “Migrated from an admin user key” in the key table, so you’ll be able to find them easily.

Account ID

Looking for the account ID? See Account ID.



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