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Multi-location Synthetic monitoring alert conditions

With multi-location Synthetic monitoring alert conditions, you can create a monitor to notify you when a specific number of locations are failing at the same time.

Why this matters

For Synthetic monitoring that runs in multiple locations, a single location will sometimes temporarily fail for a wide variety of reasons. In many cases, a single, short-lived failure does not indicate a problem that would require a notification.

With multi-location conditions, you can set the number of locations that must simultaneous fail in order to trigger a violation and send you a notification. For example, if your monitor is running in six locations, you might set a condition requiring four locations to fail before you receive a notification.


Multi-location alerts do not affect Alerts policies for a Synthetic monitor. For example, muting a Multi-location alert will not mute a Synthetic monitor's alerts.


Rules for creating a multi-location condition:



Required check frequency

15 minutes or less.

Maximum monitors per condition


Conditions per account

This feature has a limit of 1000 conditions per account, but some types of Infrastructure alert conditions also count towards this limit. If you get a notification that you've exceeded your limit, contact your account representative or Support for assistance.

Status between checks

A failed location check will be considered failed until it performs a successful check. For example: a location may fail and then immediately become available, but we'll consider it failed until a scheduled check is reported as successful.

Here's a diagram that shows how a four-location condition will be triggered for non-simultaneous failures:

Synthetics multi-location alert condition diagram

This diagram shows an example of how a four-failed-locations setting will trigger a violation for failures that occur one after the other. Note that failed location checks will be viewed as failed until they next have a successful check.

Create condition from Alerts UI

Before creating a condition, read the rules for multi-location conditions.

  1. In the one.newrelic.com top nav, click Alerts & AI, click Alert policies, and start the process to create a condition.
  2. Click Synthetics, then click Multiple location failures.


You can't view or edit multi-location Synthetic monitoring alert conditions in the Synthetics UI.

Create condition with the API

Before creating a condition, read the rules for multi-location conditions.

To use the Alerts REST API to manage multi-location conditions, use the REST API explorer.



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