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Original product-based pricing and billing


This doc explains our original product-based pricing plan. For more on pricing and user-related changes, see Overview of changes.

Overview of original pricing

New Relic has two pricing plans: a newer one called New Relic One pricing, and our original pricing plan. Our original pricing plan was based on subscriptions to specific products, like APM, Mobile, and Infrastructure. If you are on this pricing plan, your users are likely on our original user model and use these original user docs. To understand more about the new pricing and user changes, see Overview of changes.

For accounts on original pricing, this doc includes:

  • Explanation of how our original pricing plan works
  • How to manage subscription and billing settings

Annual vs monthly pricing plans

Here are the differences between billed-annually and billed-monthly plans:

Pricing plans


Annual (best price)

New Relic charges your credit card each month for a year for a committed number of hosts or compute units. You can increase this amount at any time, and charges will adjust with the next monthly bill. Your account will automatically renew at the end of the year unless you change your subscription.

Early termination, downgrade, or decrease in service: Unless your order form states otherwise, you will be charged at the level and quantity of service ordered until the end of the then-current term if you cancel or downgrade to a lower level of service or fewer hosts during your commitment year.

Monthly (no commitment)

New Relic charges your credit card each month for a specified number of hosts or compute units. The account Owner can change the credit card number. To edit billing settings, use the Billing UI. Adjustments to billing settings will take effect for the next billing period.

Your account automatically renews each month unless you change your subscription. You can cancel service or downgrade to a lower level of service without penalty.

APM and infrastructure: Compute-unit vs host-based pricing

APM offers a choice between two pricing models: compute unit (CU) based pricing and host-based pricing. New Relic Infrastructure offers only CU-based pricing. This section shows how both options are calculated, and explains what "host" means in these pricing contexts:

Prorated billing

If you upgrade your subscription partway through your billing period, you will be subject to a prorated charge for the higher level of service over the remainder of your billing period. This will be invoiced or charged to your credit card when the upgrade is submitted. You will be notified about this charge as part of the subscription change process.

If you have questions, contact your New Relic account representative. If you need to report billing issues, contact New Relic's Billing Department.

Manage subscription and billing settings


Note that as of July 30 2020, we have a newer pricing plan. To learn more, see Overview of pricing.

The account Owner can perform many subscription self-service functions directly from the user interface:

  1. From one.newrelic.com, select the account dropdown.
  2. Select your choice of self-service options.
  3. When making subscription changes, be sure to save any changes, agree to New Relic's Terms of Service and Supplemental Payment Terms as appropriate, and select Pay now.
  4. Optional: If you downgrade your subscription, complete New Relic's survey.

Here is a summary of the available options from your account dropdown in the New Relic user interface:



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