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Mobile subscription usage


This doc is for accounts on our original Product-based pricing. If you're on the newer pricing plan, see New Relic One pricing plan. Not sure which you're on? See Overview of pricing plans.

For accounts on our original pricing plan, this document explains how we calculate billable usage for Mobile accounts. This document also provides available subscription usage attributes and example NRQL queries to use in the New Relic UI or with API calls.

Data generation

Once per day, for every monitored application, a New Relic Mobile account will generate an NrDailyUsage event. Each event summarizes the Mobile usage for the current calendar month, up to and including the last 24 hours.

To query Mobile usage data, use a productLine attribute value of Mobile. For more information, see the Mobile query examples.

Usage calculations

New Relic Mobile subscription usage is based on the concept of monthly active users (MAUs).

  • For a mobile app monitored by New Relic, MAUs will represent a cumulative count of unique users that used that app during a calendar month. Each unique end-user mobile device counts as a "user" for the purposes of this metric.
  • For accounts that have multiple apps, total account usage will represent a sum of the MAUs for all the apps under that account.


Only the account Owner and Admins can view the usage UI. However, anyone in your account can query usage data using the NrDailyUsage event.

To get an estimate of the current month's billable usage:

  1. Go to the usage UI.
  2. On the Mobile usage page, set the time picker to Current month.

The Mobile usage chart and table display the maximum MAUs that have been reached over a given time period. It will usually ramp up quickly at the beginning of the month, then grow slowly throughout the month. Because it represents the maximum value found so far, it will never go down. This makes Mobile usage different from other New Relic usage measurements, which are based on summing daily usage.

For more information about the usage UI, see Introduction to New Relic subscription usage data.

Table definitions

Here are definitions of the column headers displayed in the UI table and CSV files. The columns visible depend on the Group by option selected at the top of the page.



Account name

The name of the account. This can be a standalone account, a parent account, or a customer partnership.

Application name

The name of the mobile application.

Application ID

New Relic Mobile application ID.

Maximum MAUs

Maximum monthly active users. For the current calendar month, the highest count of active users that has been reached. This number can be compared to the MAUs included in your New Relic subscription.

% of total usage

The percentage of the total usage that is attributed to the group (account or application, depending on the Group by selection).

General attributes

The following are general (not Mobile-specific) account-related attributes. These attributes can help you understand how your accounts and child accounts are using New Relic products.




ID of the New Relic account that is directly responsible for the stored events, as determined from the license key used.


Name of the New Relic account that is directly responsible for the stored events, as determined from the license key used.


The ID of the parent account that is either responsible for stored events or that is the parent of the consuming account. When a parent account is the consuming account, masterAccountId is the consumingAccountId.

This attribute is present even for accounts that do not have a parent account. This is to ensure continued reporting if the account is later made a parent account.


Name of the parent account that is either responsible for stored events, or that is the parent of the consuming account. When a parent account is the consuming account, masterAccountName is the consumingAccountName.

This attribute is present even for accounts that do not have a parent account. This is to ensure continued reporting if the account is later made a parent account.


Partner ID of the New Relic customer partnership associated with the account responsible for the stored events.

This attribute is only present if the consuming account is associated with a New Relic customer partnership.


Name of the New Relic customer partnership associated with the account responsible for the stored events.

This attribute is only present if the consuming account is associated with a customer partnership.


ID of the child account that is responsible for the stored event. When this attribute is present, subAccountId is the consumingAccountId.

This attribute is only present if the consuming account is a child account (not a parent account).


Name of the child account responsible for stored events. When present, this attribute is the same as the consumingAccountName.

This attribute is only present if the consuming account is a child account (not a parent account).


UNIX timestamp (seconds since epoch) of the day and time when event generation was initiated.

Mobile attributes

The following are usage-related attributes generated by New Relic Mobile. To query Mobile data, use a productLine attribute value of Mobile.




ID uniquely identifying the application reporting this usage, as it appears in the Mobile product.


Name of the application reporting this usage, as it appears in the Mobile product.


Number of unique users (device IDs) counted during the current calendar month to date for a Mobile app.


The New Relic product the usage data is from. For Mobile data, this value is Mobile.


The type of entity this event records values for. For Mobile, this value is Application.

Query examples

Here are some examples of NRQL queries you can use with your subscription usage data. You can run NRQL queries, and use the resulting charts in dashboards.



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