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APM (CU-based) subscription usage


This doc is for accounts on our original Product-based pricing. If you're on the newer pricing plan, see New Relic One pricing plan. Not sure which you're on? See Overview of pricing plans.

For accounts on our original pricing plan, our usage UI lets you predictably track your data usage, and see how that may affect your pricing. This document explains how New Relic calculates billable usage for APM accounts that have CU-based pricing (not host-based pricing), and also provides available subscription usage attributes and example NRQL queries to use in the New Relic UI or with API calls.

Data generation

Once per day, an APM account will generate an NrDailyUsage event for:

  • Every application instance created over the last 24 hours
  • Every unique host on which an application instance existed over the last 24 hours

These two types of events allow your usage data to be queried and analyzed in many different ways. To query the application events, use a usageType attribute value of Application. To query the host events, use a usageType attribute value of Host.

All APM events use a productLine attribute value of APM. For more information, see APM query examples.

Usage calculations

Monthly billable CUs for a host are calculated by the size of the host running APM (number of CPUs + GBs of RAM) multiplied by the number of hours the host is connected to New Relic during that month. For more on how this is calculated, see CU-based pricing.


Only the account Owner and Admins can view the usage UI. However, anyone in your account can query usage data using the NrDailyUsage event.

To get an estimate of the current month's eventual billable CUs:

  1. Go to the usage UI.
  2. On the APM usage page, set the time picker to Current month.
  3. Multiply the Avg daily compute units by the number of days in the current month.

For more information about the usage UI, see Intro to subscription usage data.

Table definitions

Here are definitions of the column headers displayed in the UI table and CSV files. The columns visible depend on the Group by option selected at the top of the page.



Account name

The name of the account. This can be a standalone account, a parent account or a customer partnership.

Host ID

The unique identifier for that host. If the host is in AWS, we use the AWS-provided instance ID. For other hosts, New Relic assigns a host ID. For more about how this value is created, see hostID.

Agent hostname

The name of the host, as reported by the agent. For more about this value, see agentHostname.

Average daily compute units

The average daily compute units used.

% of total usage

The percentage of the total usage used.

General attributes

The following are general (not APM-specific) account-related attributes. These attributes can help you understand how your accounts are using New Relic products.




ID of the New Relic account that is directly responsible for the stored events, as determined from the license key used.


Name of the New Relic account that is directly responsible for the stored events, as determined from the license key used.


The ID of the parent account, also known as the master account. This is the account that's either responsible for stored events or that is the parent of the consuming account. When a parent account is the consuming account, masterAccountId is the consumingAccountId.

This attribute is present even for accounts that don't have a parent account. This is to ensure continued reporting if the account is later made a parent account.


Name of the parent account (also known as the master account) that's either responsible for stored events, or that is the parent of the consuming account. When a parent is the consuming account, masterAccountName is the consumingAccountName.

This attribute is present even for accounts that do not have a parent account. This is to ensure continued reporting if the account is later made a parent account.


Partner ID of the New Relic customer partnership associated with the account responsible for the stored events.

This attribute is only present if the consuming account is associated with a New Relic customer partnership.


Name of the New Relic customer partnership associated with the account responsible for the stored events.

This attribute is only present if the consuming account is associated with a customer partnership.


ID of the child account that is responsible for the stored event. When this attribute is present, subAccountId is the consumingAccountId.

This attribute is only present if the consuming account is a child account (not a parent account).


Name of the child account responsible for stored events. When present, this attribute is the same as the consumingAccountName.

This attribute is only present if the consuming account is a child account (not a parent account).


UNIX timestamp (seconds since epoch) of the day and time when event generation was initiated.

APM attributes (CU-based)

The following are usage-related attributes generated by CU-based APM accounts (not host-based APM). To query APM-specific data, use a productLine attribute value of APM.




ID reported by the agent to uniquely identify the host for which this usage event is reported. This value can come from several sources in the application’s environment, but commonly is the value returned by the gethostname Linux syscall. In Docker environments, this attribute can take on the value (sometimes truncated) of the Docker container ID. agentHostname is one of three possible providers for the hostId value.


Bytes of RAM available to the host, as detected by the New Relic agent from the host OS.


Number of logical CPU cores available to the host, as detected by the New Relic agent from the host OS.


Version of the APM agent running in the application instance reporting this usage. Present only for events where usageType equals Application.

To update your agent version, see Update the New Relic agent.


ID uniquely identifying the application that is reporting this usage, as it appears in the APM product. Present only for events where usageType equals Application.


ID uniquely identifying the application instance (the process running the APM agent).


Name of the application reporting this usage, as it appears in the APM product. Present only for events where usageType equals Application.


Size of the host, for CU-based billing purposes. Calculated as apmProcessorCount plus (apmMemoryBytes/(1024^3)), or the number of processors plus memory (GiB).


Bytes of RAM available to the host, as defined by the cloud provider for the host’s instance type.


Number of logical processors available to the host, as defined by the cloud provider for the host’s instance type.


Number of compute units (CUs) recorded for the given host. CUs are calculated as apmHoursUsed multiplied by apmBillingInstanceSize. For more information, see CU-based pricing.


Describes the algorithm used to calculate the host size for CU usage. Values include:

  • agent_collected_calculated_data: Use the host size data collected by the agent from the OS environment.
  • cloud_provider_data: Use the host size data from the cloud provider.
  • missing_data: Some host size data was missing. This could be due to an older agent that doesn't support reporting CPU and memory sizes, or an agent and OS combination for which CPU and memory sizes are not supported. This will result in the default host size (16) being applied.


The number of unique container IDs associated with this host. Present only for events where usageType equals Host.


Number of hours for which usage was recorded for the given entity. When an entity is connected to New Relic for any amount of time within a given hour, that hour is counted toward usage.


Name of the language that the usage-reporting application is written in, as reported by the New Relic agent. Examples: ruby, java, python. Present only for events where usageType equals Application.


Bytes of RAM available to the host. Used to calculate apmBillingInstanceSize. The value of one of these attributes will be used: apmCloudDerivedMemoryBytes, apmAgentMemoryBytes.


Number of logical processors available to the host, used to calculate apmBillingInstanceSize. The value of one of these attributes will be used: apmCloudDerivedProcessorCount, apmAgentProcessorCount.


Linux boot ID of host for which this usage is reported, which is unique for each boot lifetime of each Linux operating system instance. Will only be present when the New Relic agent is one of the following versions:

  • Go: 1.11 or higher

  • Java: 3.42.0 or higher

  • .NET: 6.19.330.0 or higher

  • Node.js: 2.1.0 or higher

  • PHP: or higher

  • Python: or higher

  • Ruby: or higher

    bootId is one of three possible providers for the hostId value.


ID uniquely identifying the cloud host instance (example: an AWS EC2 instance) for which this usage is reported. (For example, for an AWS EC2 instance, the value would look like i-1234abcd5678ef900.) This is used to uniquely identify the host if the apmComputeUnitRule is cloud_provider_data. This will not be present if no cloud provider was detected by the agent.

Agents with these versions will detect cloud provider data for AWS:

  • Go: 1.11 or higher

  • Java: 3.18.0 or higher

  • .NET: or higher

  • Node.js: 1.21.0 or higher

  • PHP: 5.5.0 or higher

  • Python: or higher

  • Ruby: or higher

    cloudInstanceId is one of three possible providers for the hostId value.


Size of the cloud instance for this host for CU-based APM billing purposes, as calculated according to the formula for apmBillingInstanceSize, using the CPU and memory sizes associated with the instance type defined by the cloud provider. Will not be present if no cloud provider was detected by the agent.


Instance type of the host as defined by the cloud provider and detected by the agent. For example: c4.2xlarge. This will not be present if no cloud provider was detected by the agent.


Name of the cloud provider for this host. Example values: aws, azure. This will not be present if no cloud provider was detected by the agent.


Name of the zone that a cloud provider host is located in. For example: eu-central-1b. This will not be present if no cloud provider was detected by the agent.


ID of the Docker or other Linux container in which the application instance is running. This will not be present if a container was not detected by the agent. Present only for events where usageType equals Application. This attribute is not used to uniquely identify hosts for billing purposes.


ID used to uniquely identify the host for which this usage is reported. Any given hour of APM usage for this host will be counted only once when calculating apmHoursUsed. There are several possible host identifiers reported by the New Relic agent. The attributes, if present, will be chosen to use in this order of precedence: cloudInstanceId, bootId, agentHostname.


This is True if the calculated host size was greater than 16 and therefore capped.


This is True if the APM agent reports no CPU count.


This is True if the APM agent reports no memory count.


The New Relic product the usage data is from. APM usage data will have the value APM. Use this value when querying APM usage data.


For APM, this value can be either Application or Host, depending on the type of entity this event records usage for (other New Relic products will have different values for usageType). Events with both values are recorded so that usage can be broken down in many ways.

For Application: the event represents usage for a single unique application instance for that day. For Host: the event represents usage for a single unique host for that day.

Only Host entities are used to calculate billable usage. Application entities are useful for comparing usage between applications, but are not used for billing or contract purposes.

Query examples

Here are some examples of NRQL queries you can use with your account usage data.

Use of Docker or other containers

Some previous APM agents may miscount containers as hosts, which may lead to over-reporting of compute unit (CU) usage.

To fix this calculation for Linux-based containers (including Docker), upgrade your APM agent to these versions:

  • Go: 1.11 or higher
  • Java: 3.42.0 or higher
  • .NET: 6.19.330.0 or higher
  • Node.js: 2.1.0 or higher
  • PHP: or higher
  • Python: or higher
  • Ruby: or higher



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