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Event data retention (original pricing plan)


This doc is for accounts on our original pricing plan, not our New Relic One pricing plan. Not sure which you're on? See Overview of pricing plans.

For organizations on New Relic One pricing, our various New Relic products report a wide range of event data. Different products have different data retention periods, and different ways to extend event data retention. You can customize the length of your event data retention through flexible event retention.

Data retention UI

For how to find the data retention UI, see Manage data.

Overview of event data retention

All New Relic product subscriptions come with a certain level of data retention that governs how long different types of data are retained. One type of data governed by data retention rules is event data. Event data is available in some UI charts and tables, and also available for querying via NRQL, our querying language.

There are events reported from products by default, and there are custom events: each have their own retention rules, depending on the product and subscription level.

Here are some examples of how different product subscriptions can affect event data retention:

  • Free/Lite APM subscription: default-reported events available for 1 day. No custom events available.
  • Pro APM subscription: default-reported events available for 8 days. Custom events available for 1 day (and able to be extended with Insight Pro).

To see your subscriptions, go to the Account summary page.

Extend your event retention



APM, Browser, and Mobile

Event data retention can be extended with a paid subscription to these products (see product data retention). To extend retention of both default-reported events and custom events further, you need an Insights Pro subscription.


Event data retention can be extended with a paid Infrastructure subscription. See Infrastructure data retention rules.


Event data retention can be extended with a paid Synthetics subscription. See Synthetics data retention rules.

Custom events

Custom events reported by agent APIs or the Event API: Extension requires an Insights Pro subscription.

Insights Pro


As of April 12, 2021, we are upgrading Insights to an improved web and mobile experience! All of your Insights URLs will be redirected automatically to the corresponding dashboards in New Relic One. For more details about this migration and how you can easily plan for this transition, see our Explorers Hub post.

A paid Insights subscription is what governs the extension of event data retention for:

  • Our APM, Browser, Mobile, and Serverless products
  • Custom events that come from an agent API or from the Event API


Note that having an Insights Pro subscription doesn't require use of the Insights UI (insights.newrelic.com) to query your data: there are other querying options available.

To see the data retention governed by your Insights subscription: go to the usage UI and select Insights usage.

With an Insights Pro subscription, you can use flexible retention to customize how your event data is retained. This lets you keep only the data you need, for as long as you need it.

Flexible data retention

With an Insights Pro subscription, you get access to flexible retention, which lets you define how some types of event data are retained. This lets you keep only the event data you need, for as long as you need it. You can manage your flexible retention through the UI or through our GraphQL API.

Requirements to use this feature:

For information on managing retention settings with APIs, see the Manage data retention documentation.



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