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Get started with New Relic observability

True observability is the power of knowing what's happening across your digital system and why, at any time, whatever solution you’re using. It’s getting the whole picture of everything that enables your applications and devices to deliver value to your customers, from the container running a microservice in the cloud to a mobile website's shopping cart button.

You’re in control because you understand your system

New Relic helps you cut through the layers of complexity surrounding your systems by bringing together and connecting data from any instrumented source and environment, without having to jump between tools. You can interrogate your data for patterns, discover them using our data platform, or get proactive results from our machine learning tools.


New Relic provides answers to essential questions in one place.

All the answers in one place

As a full user you get access to our entire set of observability tools. All our tools are interconnected and accessible in New Relic One.

All the data you bring to New Relic through agents and integrations are metrics, events, logs, and traces that feed our platform's analytics and monitoring capabilities. New Relic links your data in a meaningful way so that you can explore it, build dashboards, and set up alerts.

Our more curated observability UI experiences allow to visualize, analyze, and troubleshoot your entire software stack in one unified platform. The New Relic Explorer consolidates all the entities in your system, and how they're connected, in a single place, so you can easily detect performance trends and issues. By automatically connecting infrastructure health with application performance and end-user behavior, you can cut through the noise to find the signal.

Start anywhere

Being fully-connected, New Relic allows you to start your observability journey from any element of your stack. For example, you can get to crucial infrastructure logs from traces of an application running on a problematic Kubernetes pod.

Use the Explorer in New Relic One to access and observe the full stack of your software, see performance data and alerting status at a glance, and check relationships. We provide you with a simple, yet powerful visual tool to monitor all your entities, that is, anything we can identify that reports data. In the New Relic ecosystem, entities include basic components like applications, hosts, containers, or database services, but it can also refer to custom groupings of such elements. You can also create your own entities. The more entities you instrument, the more data you'll bring in. The more data you've brought to New Relic, the more you'll understand your metrics, events, logs, and traces.

You want to instrument

Start with

Keep exploring

  • Front-end applications
  • Mobile applications
  • User behavior and flows
  • Backend applications
  • Serverless applications
  • Infrastructure hosts and services (on-premise, cloud, orchestrated)
  • Container environments and orchestration tools (Kubernetes, ECS, etc.)

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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