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Get outage information (status.newrelic.com)

If New Relic experiences an outage, we provide updates on our status page, status.newrelic.com. During an incident, the status page specifies what is impacted, the extent of the impact, and our progress in resolving the issue.

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To subscribe to notifications:

  1. Go to status.newrelic.com.

  2. Select Subscribe to updates.

  3. Choose between email and SMS updates:

    • For email updates: Enter your email address and select Manage notifications.
    • For SMS updates: Specify your country, enter your phone number, and select Manage notifications.
  4. From the Subscription preferences page, select the regions, categories, and impacts for which you want to receive notifications.

  5. To save your changes and subscribe to notifications, select Submit.

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For more help

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