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View simple and scripted monitor results

Synthetic monitoring automatically records each simple and scripted browser monitor check, allowing you to see the load time and response size for every run, as well as the exact order in which each resource loaded.

Use the Results page and the selected monitor's details page to:

  • Select a resource to view load timing, response and request headers, and other details.
  • Use these details to find problems and diagnose performance issues.
  • Run rechecks to verify a single failing location or result when needed.


For information on ping monitors, see View ping monitor results.

View results

To access a complete list of simple and scripted monitor results from the Results page:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > Synthetics > (select a monitor) > Results.
  2. To find the type of result you're looking for, sort the list and filter by location. For example, to locate an unusually fast response time from Ireland, sort by Duration (asc) and disable all locations except Ireland, EU.
  3. To understand how your website performed at a specific moment in time, including details of load time and response size, use the Results page's detail view.

Synthetic monitoring - Results page

one.newrelic.com > Synthetics > (select a monitor) > Results > (select a result): View details of each monitor check, including load time and total load size.

You can also access interesting results for your simple and scripted monitors directly from the Overview and Failures pages.

If you want to...

Do this...

Get details about page resources

Use the timeline view. (For API test monitors, there may be only one page resource.)

From the timeline view, you can:

  • See the exact order in which each page's resources loaded.
  • See how long each element took to load.
  • Select a resource to view detailed metrics, including HTTP status codes, timing information, response headers, and request headers.

View transaction traces

  1. Make sure you have enabled Synthetic transaction traces for the monitor you want to view.

  2. Go to one.newrelic.com > Synthetics > (select a monitor) > Results > (select a result) > View transaction trace.

    Selecting a transaction trace will also reveal more details in APM.

Verify a single failing location or result

Select the monitor, then click Run check.

View script logs

Scripted browser and API test results also include a Script log, which includes the contents of the selected script. You can also manually record script milestones by including logging functions in your script.

The console log is located at the end of the script log:

// ----------------------------------- Console log
Loading website New Relic Docs
Verifying the title Documentation | New Relic Documentation
Verifying an element exists tag name h1
If we got this far: SUCCESS!

View monitor screenshots

Simple browser and scripted browser monitors can take screenshots. By default, both simple browser and scripted browser monitors take screenshots only if a check fails. However, scripted browser monitors can take a screenshot on every check if you manually call take screenshot in your script.


Keep in mind that scripted browser monitors only save the last screenshot taken.


one.newrelic.com > Synthetics > (select a monitor) > Results > (select a result)

Timing details

For some monitor types, the overall monitor check duration will be larger than the individual page request durations. This is because some browser behaviors are not measured individually but still count towards the total check time.

Examples of unmeasured behaviors include:

  • JavaScript interactions
  • Resource prefetching and prioritization
  • DNS pre-resolve
  • TCP pre-connect
  • Page pre-rendering

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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