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Monitoring AWS Lambda with Serverless monitoring

We offer in-depth performance monitoring for your serverless AWS Lambda functions. Read on to learn about the feature, how it works, and its requirements.

This Lambda monitoring feature is not the same as the Lambda monitoring integration, which only uses CloudWatch data. Serverless Lambda monitoring is more extensive and uses both CloudWatch data and code-level instrumentation to deliver more in-depth monitoring.

Why it matters

Do you need to rapidly instrument monitoring and observability to your serverless functions without resorting to code changes? Our Lambda layer provides unified visibility into the most detailed behaviors of your Lambda functions so you can understand what's going on in your serverless applications.

Use all this information to troubleshoot your systems and optimize your functions so they can function faster and deliver with confidence on serverless architectures. Spend less time instrumenting, and more time building.

Lambda monitoring gives you:

  • Every invocation of your Lambda functions, including performance data like detailed duration, cold starts, exceptions, and tracebacks.
  • AWS Lambda event source information, which provides context and attributes about events that triggered each AWS Lambda invocation, such as API Gateway, ALB SNS, SQS, DynamoDB, and more.
  • Visibility into your entire ecosystem with distributed tracing: see the path of requests that led to your Lambda, and see Lambda spans in your other distributed traces.
  • Logs in context, which provides full invocation and function level logs right along side the metrics, attributes, and trace data.
  • Inventoried tags and metadata. We retrieve information from your AWS entities, giving you the ability to filter and facet down to the team, or specific metadata attributes on the function configuration or invocation itself.
  • Easy ability to query your data with an automatic facet builder, which instantly facets your dashboards and charts by attribute or function to explore custom data, without having to write queries.

Lambda data is displayed in its own dedicated UI in New Relic One.

Access and requirements

See Compatibility and requirements of AWS Lambda monitoring.

Next steps: Enable and use Lambda monitoring

To get started using our Lambda monitoring, see the installation and enablement instructions.

To better understand how Lambda monitoring works, read about the New Relic Lambda monitoring stack.

You can also set up alerts or add your own custom events or attributes.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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