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Java agent v3.8.0

June 30, 2014Download


  • Experimental support for Java SE 8

    This version includes experimental support for Java 8. Code that is known to work with Java SE 8 and compiled for Java 6 or 7 (such as Tomcat 8, Play Framework 2.3, etc) should work fine. We would like your feedback if you run into any trouble running code compiled for Java SE 8.

    Please only try this in non-production environments. We are eager for your feedback as we work to make Java 8 support production-ready. To enable Java SE 8 compatibility, set the following system property on your system:


  • Support for Hibernate 4.3

    The Java agent now reports details on calls to Hibernate 4.3 as well as previous versions.

  • Fix: Cross-Application Tracing didn't trace when caller used WLS 11g and SOAP.

    In Oracle WebLogic Server 11g, cross-application tracing (CAT) failed for external calls originating in the default SOAP pipeline, producing an exception in the log. This bug has been fixed.

  • Fix: Old DocumentationBuilderFactory can cause agent to disable itself

    When using a DocumentBuilderFactory implementation compiled with Java 1.4 or below an abstract method error was being thrown, causing the agent to disable itself.

  • Fix: Agent not detecting async servlets in WebSphere 8.x

    The Java Agent was not detecting the call to AsyncContext.complete(), so it was not reporting async servlet calls.

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