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Observability Maturity

New Relic Observability Maturity Architecture (OMA) is now open-source. Observability Maturity Architecture is the practice of discovering, curating, and documenting scalable and repeatable best practices in the Observability Industry. This move will allow all to contribute to the standards of Observability Maturity Architecture.

Observability Maturity Architecture is structured by the four primary Observability Value Drivers and their respective use cases, listed below. Use cases are cataloged into templates for "Concepts," "Use Case Implementation Guides," and "Lesson Plans."

We are working hard and fast to convert pre-OMA content into this standardized structure. Below is currently a mix of pre-OMA and OMA standardized content.

* denotes previous format

Uptime, Performance & Reliability

Customer Experience

Innovation & Growth

Operational Efficiency

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