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Partnership API child account object

This doc explains how to use the Partnership API to manage child accounts. For accounts, you'd use the child account object.


You may not have access to using this object. Before using the Partnership API, first read the requirements.

Introduction to using child accounts

Some notes about using the child account object:

  • To manage existing parent accounts or child accounts, use the Partnership API account object.
  • A parent account may have more than one associated child account, but every chld account must correspond to one and only one parent account.
  • Every child account must have at least a primary_admin user.
  • You cannot create a child account without connecting it to an existing parent account and adding at least one user.

Child account object attributes

Before using the Partnership API, first read the requirements.

Here are the Partnership API child account object's attributes:

For some New Relic organizations, child accounts can also be created via the parent account's Account settings page in the New Relic UI.

Child account API calls

Here is the URL pattern to create child accounts. Notice that the Parent Account ID must be specified. If using this URL pattern, send the JSON object along with an HTTP header containing the Partner API key. For example:

POST .../api/v2/partners/PARTNER_ID/accounts/PARENT_ACCOUNT_ID/sub_accounts​
Content-Type: application/json

{ JSON data }


Resource URL pattern

Create a child account with the given parameters.

POST /api/v2/partners/PARTNER_ID/accounts/PARENT_ACCOUNT_ID/sub_accounts

JSON example

Here is an example of a JSON request and response using the Partnership API child account object.

Note that this is just an example, and that for some accounts, the users attribute is unnecessary and will be ignored.

Child account object API examples

Here is an example of an API call using the Partnership API child account object.

Note that this is just an example, and that for some accounts, the users attribute is unnecessary and will be ignored.

For more help

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