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Partner integration requirements

Thank you for your interest in partnering with New Relic. We look forward to providing your customers with powerful, easy-to-use application performance monitoring.

This guide explains how to bundle New Relic services with yours. An effective bundling includes technical tasks (such as agent provisioning and console integration) as well as marketing and promotional activities (such as branding and awareness generation).


To achieve a full and productive integration with New Relic you will need to:



Integrate your user console with New Relic.

Update your user portal to automatically create New Relic accounts and make them available to your customers in a convenient, compelling, co-branded way.

Provision the New Relic agent.

For your customers to benefit from New Relic, they will need our monitoring agent installed into their apps. Update your provisioning systems to install New Relic automatically.

Generate awareness.

Integrate and deploy New Relic facilities for displaying sample application reporting data to customers.

Establish support and sustaining engineering processes.

Agree on a process for support coordination and refresh of New Relic software. Set up communication.

Tip: We've found that partners typically complete integration with one to two developer weeks of effort. For more information, see Typical component tasks.

Accelerated process

Where circumstances and/or proximity permit, we have found that bringing your developers on site to New Relic's San Francisco offices can dramatically accelerate development of your integration. At New Relic's offices your developers will work in close proximity to the engineering team that is responsible for the development and maintenance of New Relic's APIs.

Development issues that would under other circumstances require hours or days to resolve can be addressed in minutes. Typically development time for an integration can be cut in half. Should you elect to pursue this option, please talk to your New Relic technical contact.

Typical component tasks

The checklist for creating a successful integration will vary with each partner and specific circumstances. As a general guide, here's a typical outline of the components and rough sequencing of tasks involved in creating an integration with New Relic.


Component tasks of a typical partner integration

Finalize business relationship.

Have introductory conference call or meeting for technical team.

  • Review partner integration documentation and other integration materials.
  • Review roles and responsibilities.
  • Develop integration plan with timeline.

Plan account and agent provisioning.

  • Create and deploy account provisioning system.
  • Determine which agents and how to provision.
  • Create and deploy webpages to support provisioning and deployment.

Set up test partnership and accounts on New Relic's staging server.

Plan for co-branding.

  • Create and deploy CSS.
  • Create and deploy header and footer.
  • Create branded URL (cname).

Drive adoption through creating awareness.

  • Add the New Relic widget to the user console.
  • Use data API integration.

Test integration on staging.

Set up partnership on New Relic's production server.

  • Modify integration to point to production server.
  • Test integration on production.

Establish a support plan.

  • Designate support contacts.
  • Introduce New Relic Support to your technical support team.
  • Create sustaining engineering plans.
  • Get test account.

Prepare for launch.

  • Walk through integration review and signoff (conference call).
  • Document final signup flow.
  • Coordinate on launch co-marketing and PR.

Go live!

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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