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Legacy APM service maps

Here is information about using the legacy APM service maps feature to create, customize, and use service maps. For help using the current service maps feature, see How to use service maps.


The legacy service map features in APM depend on your New Relic agent version:



App visibility

For your app to appear in service maps, one of the following must be true:

Host and instance visibility

To view specific hosts, instances, and types of database information, your agent must meet the same minimum agent versions as the APM database and instance feature and use any of the compatible database drivers.

Database-only visibility

APM's service maps feature includes the ability to opt out of the deeper, host and instance level view. However, to view databases in service maps without the instance-level details, you must still meet the same minimum agent versions as the Database and slow queries features.

Create maps

The APM service maps feature helps you create your first map by providing default map or architecture suggestions that automatically build a default map (if you have more than ten reporting apps). To view these suggested maps, go to one.newrelic.com > More > Service Maps > Suggested maps.

To create a new map:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Start from scratch: Go to one.newrelic.com > More > Service maps > Map list > Create new map .
    • Copy an existing map: Go to one.newrelic.com > More > Service maps > (select a map) > Save as new.
  2. Name your map.
  3. Rearrange, group, or add nodes on the map as needed.


Previously, you could have private service maps. Now, all users can view, edit, and delete all existing or new service maps in the account.

Save and rename maps

Here are some tips about saving and renaming maps:

Add or remove nodes on maps

After you create or save a map, build out your map by adding nodes to it. Nodes are added to the map differently based on the node type.

To remove any node from the map, mouse over the node, then select the remove X icon.

Move around the map

Move around the map by panning or zooming in and out.

If you want to...

Do this...

Pan the map

  • In pan mode, click and drag.
  • In drag-select sm drag select toggle 0 mode, hold the Alt key, then click and drag.

Zoom in and out

In either mode, zoom in and out by scrolling the mouse wheel.

View your entire map in traffic light mode

Zoom out until node details fade out and are replaced by health status colors.

Toggle the traffic light view on and off

Select Views, then select Traffic light mode.

View all the nodes and their dependencies

Select Discover your environment.

Drill down into more detail from a node

Use standard UI functions.

Select, arrange, group nodes

Click on a node to select it and view its performance summary. You can also select multiple nodes at once, to group and ungroup them:

Add maps and charts to dashboards

Add service maps to your dashboards

one.newrelic.com > Dashboards: adding a service map to a dashboard provides context for the data being reported and where it's coming from.

You can add legacy service maps to a dashboard. For example, if you have a dashboard showcasing performance metrics for several entities, adding a service map to the dashboard shows how all the entities are related and provides additional context about your system.

To add a service map to a dashboard:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com and select the Explorer.
  2. Select an entity from the index.
  3. Click on Service map.
  4. Click Add to dashboard. Search for the dashboard you want to add the map to.

Delete maps

To delete a map:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > More > Service maps > (select a map).
  2. Select the map name's pencil icon.
  3. Select Delete map.

Identify issues with external services

If your app connects to an external service that New Relic does not monitor (for example, a third-party API), New Relic watches the service for a week in order to baseline its response time. If New Relic can collect a statistically significant number of data points (more than 100), New Relic compares the current response time to this baseline and uses this to set the health status indicator:

  • Green: Response time from the service is less than 1.75 times the baseline.
  • Yellow: Response time from the service is longer than 1.75 times the baseline.
  • Red: Response time from the service is longer than 2.5 times the baseline.
  • Gray: Alerts concluded it does not have enough data to determine the health status.
  • Purple: Alerts cannot yet conclude if it has enough data to determine the health status.

Visualize and monitor complex architectures

Use service maps to visualize and monitor complex architectures. For a tutorial introducing the latest features, select the service map's question icon.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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