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Dashboard API migration: from Insights API to NerdGraph

The Insights Dashboard API is deprecated, but you can use NerdGraph (our GraphQL API) to create and configure dashboards.

If you're not migrating from the old Insights API, you can skip this doc and go to the new Dashboards API.

Why a new dashboards API?

Our Insights product, which was a way to query data and create charts and dashboards, has been deprecated and its set of features moved over to be a core part of the New Relic One platform. To learn more about this transition and new features, see the Insights to New Relic One migration guide.

The Insights Dashboard API will be deprecated in July of 2021. Until then, if you're using the Insights Dashboard API, you should attempt to switch over to using NerdGraph. (The Insights query API will not be deprecated but NerdGraph is preferred.) Keep reading to learn how to get started with NerdGraph and learn about equivalent operations.

Get started with NerdGraph

NerdGraph is the preferred API for making NRQL queries of your New Relic data. Every user who uses NerdGraph needs their own user key.

When using NerdGraph, it helps to understand that our dashboards are entities that report data from other entities, such as monitored apps, hosts and services.

If you're new to NerdGraph and GraphQL, you may want to first read our Introduction to NerdGraph and some of Create dashboards with NerdGraph.

The NerdGraph API explorer is located at api.newrelic.com/graphiql.

Operations mapping table

The table below maps every Insights API operation to the new dashboards API.

Insights API operationNerdGraph API query/mutationNotes
List (GET)entitySearch()View a paginated list of dashboards that match the filter.
Show (GET)entity()View an existing dashboard given its entity guid.
Create (POST)dashboardCreate()Create a new dashboard.
Update (PUT)dashboardUpdate()Update an existing dashboard given its entity guid.
Delete (DELETE)dashboardDelete()Delete an existing dashboard given its entity guid.

Dashboard properties mapping table

For more information about all the fields in the new dashboards GraphQL schema, have a look at NerdGraph's GraphiQL explorer.

The table below maps dashboard properties from the Insights API to the new dashboards API.

Insights API dashboard propertyNerdGraph API dashboard propertyNotes
idguidID of the New Relic entity the dashboard now represents
editablepermissionseditable and visibility merged in the same concept
visibilitypermissionseditable and visibility merged in the same concept
metadata-No need of versioning in GraphQL APIs
icon-Not translated to New Relic One
grid_column_count-12 column dashboards by default in New Relic One
filter-Not translated to New Relic One yet

Widget properties mapping table

For more information about all the fields in the new dashboards GraphQL schema, have a look at NerdGraph's GraphiQL explorer.

The table below maps widget properties from the Insights API to the new dashboards API.

Insights API dashboard propertyNerdGraph API dashboard propertyNotes
account_id-Translated into widget configuration for those that require one
presentation.drilldown_dashboard_idlinkedEntitiesUsed to link a widget to a dashboard for the facet linking feature
presentation.notes-Not translated to New Relic One yet
dataconfiguration + rawConfiguration


To learn how to build every type of widget, see Create dashboard widgets.

Visualizations mapping table

We have simplified our widget visualizations by grouping the ones that were in fact the same but obtained through different types of queries. For instance, a line widget is plotted the same way regardless of the type of query: old line_chart vs. comparison_line_chart in Insights.

Insights API visualizationNerdGraph API visualization

Examples: from REST endpoints to GraphQL queries/mutations

One of the main benefits of NerdGraph being a GraphQL-format API is that it provides a complete and understandable description of the APIs' data. By using the NerdGraph API explorer, you can discover GraphQL types and fields, along with a brief explanation.

We want to facilitate your migration from the Insights API to the new New Relic One dashboards API. Find below some examples that illustrate how the old REST endpoints map to the new GraphQL queries or mutations.

List (GET) -> entitySearch query

Dashboards in New Relic One embrace the concept of entity. They are now another entity in New Relic’s entity ecosystem.

Try it out using the NerdGraph GraphiQL explorer.

Show (GET) -> entity query

In order to get information on a dashboard, all you need is to provide its unique entity identifier or entity guid. Then you can access all the dashboard properties that you are interested in by adding them in the GraphQL query.

Try it out using the NerdGraph GraphiQL explorer.

Create (POST) -> dashboardCreate mutation

Operations that mutate the state of the system are mutations in GraphQL APIs. You can create a dashboard by providing the required input for the dashboardCreate mutation. Although GraphQL APIs aim to be self-explanatory, Nerdgraph docs can help you with some information about the fields, like the doc about how to build dashboard widgets.

Try it out using the NerdGraph GraphiQL explorer.

Update (PUT) -> dashboardUpdate mutation

The dashboardUpdate mutation allows you to update an existing dashboard by providing the existing dashboard guid and the new configuration. Similarly to creating a dashboard, the mutation tries to be self-explanatory, but you can look up the doc about how to build dashboard widgets.

Try it out using the NerdGraph GraphiQL explorer.

Delete (DELETE) -> dashboardDelete mutation

The dashboardDelete mutation allows you to delete an existing dashboard by providing its entity guid.

Try it out using the NerdGraph GraphiQL explorer.

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