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Upgrade the tvOS SDK

You must be the account Admin to install, configure, and upgrade the tvOS agent. For information about the latest version, refer to the release notes.

Replacing your tvOS framework

Admins: You must replace the earlier version of your tvOS agent framework before upgrading to a newer version of the tvOS SDK.

Workflow for replacing your tvOS framework.

Here is an example of the workflow to remove your existing tvOS agent framework so you can replace it with a newer version.

  1. From the Project Navigator (CMD 1) in Xcode, search for NewRelicAgentTVOS.framework.
  2. Right-click or control-click NewRelicAgentTVOS.framework, and select Show in Finder.
  3. Drag NewRelicAgentTVOS.framework to the trash.
  4. Verify that the Xcode project highlights the reference to NewRelicAgentTVOS.framework in red.
  5. Right-click or control-click NewRelicAgentTVOS.framework, and select Delete to remove the obsolete reference from the project.
  6. Follow standard installation procedures for tvOS app monitoring.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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