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noticeNetworkFailure (Android SDK API)


NewRelic.noticeNetworkFailure(string $url, string $httpMethod, long $startTime, long $endTime, exception $exception OR enum $networkFailure)

Records network failures.


Compatible with all agent versions.


The New Relic Android SDK API provides several methods to track network requests. If a network request fails, you can record details about the failure with noticeNetworkFailure. In most cases, place this call inside exception handlers, such as catch blocks.

For general info on using the New Relic Android SDK API, see the usage guide.




NewRelic.noticeNetworkFailure(string $url, string $httpMethod, long $startTime, long $endTime, exception $exception OR $networkFailure)



Required. The URL of the request.



Required. The HTTP method used, such as GET or POST.



Required. The start time of the request in milliseconds since the epoch.



Required. The end time of the request in milliseconds since the epoch.



Either this or $failure parameter is required. This is the exception that occurred. New Relic can automatically translate many common exceptions into network failure types.



Either this or $exception parameter is required. The type of network failure that occurred. If an exception cannot be resolved to a network failure automatically, this method can be used to categorize the failure accurately. The values are defined by the NetworkFailure enum. Valid values include Unknown, BadURL, TimedOut, CannotConnectToHost, DNSLookupFailed, BadServerResponse, and SecureConnectionFailed.


Record network failure

Here’s an example of an error listener that uses an error as part of the noticed network failure to New Relic:

new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(Error error) {
NewRelic.noticeNetworkFailure(badUrl, "GET", System.nanoTime(), System.nanoTime(), NetworkFailure.exceptionToNetworkFailure(error));

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