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HTTP errors: Network failure analysis

Mobile monitoring's HTTP errors page helps you to better understand HTTP errors and network failures associated with your mobile app, to connect errors to services that are causing issues, and to share actionable data with your team:

Team member

View the data on the HTTP errors page to...


See a list of errors and failures so you can coordinate mobile app teams with backend teams and share the data they need to fix issues.

QA engineer

Make sure that a new version of your app does not cause a spike in errors compared to a previous version.

DevOps engineer

See a list of domains and URLs associated with HTTP errors and network failures, so you can focus on the ones that are causing errors and filter out status codes that are too noisy for your alerts.

Mobile developer

Find out if there are frontend or backend problems affecting your mobile app (even without an error alert going off) so that you can address them in a new version.

Support engineer

View the errors and session attributes (geography, connection type, device, app version) associated with an error so that you can help customers with their issues.

Find and use the HTTP errors page

There are two ways to get to the HTTP errors page:

  • Go to one.newrelic.com > Mobile > (select an app) > Network > Network errors.
  • From a mobile app's Overview page in mobile monitoring, select the HTTP errors/network failures chart title link.

From the HTTP errors page, investigate HTTP request and network failures:

You can also define NRQL alerts that are focused on error types for your critical services or query your app data.

Group, sort, and filter errors and failures

If you want to do this...

Do this...

Change how the page groups and sorts errors and network failures

Make selections from the Group by and Sort by dropdowns. By default, the Network errors page is grouped by request domain and sorted by errors and failures.

Filter for specific errors and network failures

Select an error or failure from the Errors and failures list and/or select multiple filters from the Filter dropdown.

See which filters you applied or remove filters

The filters you select display next to the filter dropdown. To clear filters, select the X next to the filter you want to clear.

Change the time window

Select a new time period from the Time picker dropdown.

View information for one specific app version

Select the version that you want to see charts and lists for in the Versions dropdown.

HTTP error profiles

Error profiles provide visual details about significant differences in the frequency of different values for HTTP error events. For each attribute, the error profile includes:

  • A pie chart showing how the error's attribute is distributed for values that deviate the most
  • A table comparing the error attribute's distribution to that of other errors

This helps you take more of the guesswork out of resolving your mobile application's HTTP errors. You can more easily determine if you safely ignore the error, or if you should attempt to resolve the error with a new deployment, code change, customer communication or other actions.

View more details about a specific error

To view details about an error or failure, select the Request URL link to be directed to the Error summary page. From the Error summary page, you can view the version information, request attributes, and Response body, as well as get a breakdown of error types for the request URL.

View and share error data with query builder

To explore the data behind any of the charts or lists on the HTTP errors/requests page:

  1. Select for any chart.
  2. Select View query and then View in Insights. This will open the query builder.

From the query builder, you can add the error data to a dashboard and share it via a permalink.

To dig deeper into the error data, query your data for the following events and attributes:

View legacy HTTP errors UI page

Accounts that do not have an Enterprise-level subscription see a different HTTP Errors UI page:

The Errors page includes details about HTTP errors (403, 404, 422, 500, 502, etc.) and network failures for your hosts; for example:

  • Secure connection failed
  • Timed out
  • Cannot find host
  • Not connected to Internet
  • Cannot connect to host

View the Errors page

To view HTTP errors or network failures for your mobile app:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > Mobile > (select an app) > Network > Errors.
  2. To change the view to errors or failures, select the Sort by option.
  3. To hide low-usage hosts, select the Hide < 1% throughput option.
  4. To limit information to a specific version of your app, or to change the time period, select your choice from the Versions menu or the time picker below the menu bar.
  5. To view details for a specific host, HTTP status error, or network failure, select its name.

Use any of our standard user interface functions to drill down into detailed information.

Error trace details

Mobile monitoring will capture the response details from HTTP requests that return a 400 or 500 level status code. In addition, error messages generated from Android apps will include a stack trace.

To view details about an error trace on the Errors page, select its request URL link. From here you can:

The errors chart also appears on the selected mobile app's Overview page. If the chart shows errors, you can select its HTTP errors/network failures title or select anywhere on the Overview page's chart to go directly to this Errors page.

View error data in query builder

To dig deeper into your request data, use the query builder to query and chart the MobileRequest events and attributes.

Unknown errors or URL errors

The mobile agents maintain a list of exception types. In some cases, custom exceptions thrown by applications fall outside of this list. When this happens, Unknown may appear in the mobile Errors page.

If you find Unknown in your list of errors and need assistance in researching which exception types are being missed, get support at support.newrelic.com.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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