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Mobile apps Overview page

The Overview page provides an operational snapshot of your mobile app. All charts, tables, and statistics show data for the currently selected time window and application version.

Key app metrics

The Overview page captures five key app metrics:



Application crash rate

Plots the number of crashed sessions over time as a percentage of all sessions, broken out by app version. The average crashed session percent, total number of crashes, and count of unique users affected by those crashes during the time window is shown in the upper right.

App launches

Charts the number of app session launches monitored over the time window.

New Relic defines a mobile session as beginning when an app appears on screen and ending when the app is sent to the background.

HTTP errors / network failures

Charts the number of network requests that result in a http status code error (400 or higher) as a percentage of all completed requests, and the number of failed network calls (for example, a connection failure) as a percentage of completed requests.

HTTP response time

Charts the average response time of all completed http requests from each of the top five hosts your app communicates with.

Top five is calculated based on count of completed requests to each host.

Frequent interactions

Presents key performance metrics for each of the five most commonly executed Interactions in your app.

View the Overview page

To view the Overview page for your mobile apps:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > Mobile > (select an app).
  2. To view other pages for your mobile app, select the links from the Overview page or from the Mobile menus.


one.newrelic.com > Mobile > (select an app): The Overview page provides charts and tables that you can drill down into, to gain insights about your mobile application's performance.

View drill-down details

Use any of New Relic's standard user interface functions and page functions to drill down into detailed information. The Overview page includes several additional options.

If you want to...

Do this

Limit information to a specific version of your app

Select your choice from the Versions menu below the New Relic menu bar (if applicable).

NR Mobile Version Dropdown

View the Overview page for another mobile app

Use the dropdown menu from the currently selected mobile app's title


Go to one.newrelic.com > Mobile > Select and App.

View additional details about interactions

Select the Frequent interactions table's title OR select a named Interaction in the table to drill into that interaction directly.

View additional details about mobile app crashes

Select the Crash rate chart's title to go to the Crash list page.

View additional details about mobile versions

Select the App launches chart's title to go to the Versions page.

View additional details about HTTP response time

Select a point anywhere in the HTTP response time chart to go to the HTTP requests page.

View additional details about HTTP errors or network failures

Select the HTTP errors/network failure chart's title, OR click anywhere in the table to go to the Errors page.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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