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Devices page

The Devices page for mobile monitoring provides performance details about the top devices using your mobile application, such as iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android Tablet, etc. Charts compare the devices by:

  • Interaction time
  • HTTP request time
  • Error rates and network failures
  • Active user sessions

From here you can drill down into details by a specific model (for example, iPhone 6, 6S, 7).

Viewing the Devices page

screen mobile devices.png

one.newrelic.com > Mobile > (select an app) > App > Devices: Use this page to view, sort, or drill down into detailed information about the top five types of devices using your mobile app, including interaction and HTTP request times, error rates, and active users.

To view performance details about your users' mobile devices:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > Mobile > (select an app) > App > Devices.
  2. To select the mobile app versions or change the time period, use the Versions menu and time picker below the New Relic menu bar.
  3. Optional: Select the Sort by and Hide < 1% throughput options.
  4. To limit details to a specific device type (for example, iPad), select its name.

Viewing drill-down details

To drill down into detailed information, use any of New Relic's standard user interface functions and page functions to drill down into detailed information. In addition:

  • To view a list of specific devices or models (for example, iPad mini, iPad Air, etc.), select the type (for example, iPad).
  • To view details for a specific device or model, select its name from the expanded list.
  • To view trace details a slow transaction (if available), select its link. For more information, see Interactions page.
  • To return to the main Devices page, select the Close (X) button.

screen mobile devices drilldown.png

one.newrelic.com > Mobile > (select an app) > App > Devices > (select a device): This page provides drill-down details for the selected device, including http response time, network failures, active sessions, and slowest transaction traces (if available).

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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