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Introduction to mobile handled exceptions

Exceptions can contribute to invalid application states, resulting not only in application crashes but also in negative user reviews. This may lead to users deleting your app, which in turn may affect your organization's profitability. With the Handled exceptions UI, mobile development managers and their developer teams can identify significant factors affecting poor mobile app experience, and use filterable data to find a resolution more quickly.


Handling exceptions as they occur can help improve your mobile app users' experience, but it's not enough to catch exceptions. You also need to know how to prevent them. For example:

  • How many different types of handled exceptions are occurring? A high occurrence rate may necessitate changes to the back-end systems.
  • Why does the user's app usage result in a try/catch? What is the context for the exceptions?
  • When can a test environment's responses to handled exceptions indicate additional, more serious problems?
  • What would have caused a crash if the exception had not been caught in production? What else (in the code or back-end API) is still affecting the users' experience?

By using handled exceptions, you can identify and resolve these kinds of issues more quickly.

Mobile Handled Exceptions

one.newrelic.com > Mobile > (select an app) > Exceptions > Handled exceptions: As you explore the wealth of data in the charts and table, use groups and filters to discover patterns that help you determine the root cause of mobile app exceptions.

Handled exception features


Slice and dice your exception data.

You can view exception data via API as well as the UI:

  • Use the recordHandledException() method within a try{...} catch(){...} block to help understand how often your application is throwing exceptions, and under what conditions.
  • Use groups and filters to analyze trends leading to the exception. For example, you can group by OS Build, then filter a specific appVersion.

Understand a particular user's experience.

Examine the percentage charts to see overall trends with users and sessions at a glance. Then, use custom attributes to focus on exceptions related to paid accounts than free accounts.

Pinpoint when most exceptions occur.

For example, group on Last Interaction to get an overall view of problems. To drill down further, use filters, such as:

  • To examine exceptions caused by network problems, filter by carrier and then select wifi.
  • To examine exceptions caused by app releases, filter by appVersion.

Align issues with common characteristics.

For example:

  • Use groups and filters to determine whether handled exception trends appear in networks (ASN, carrier, location, etc.) or in devices (device model, manufacturer, operating system build, version, etc.).
  • Explore recurring patterns in stack traces with the top five exception locations table.
  • Query data and share your findings.

Explore the event trail before and after a crash.

With mobile monitoring you get a more complete picture of events before and after crashes occur, so you can analyze and resolve problems from multiple angles:



Access to this feature depends on your subscription level and mobile data retention.

Additional requirements include:

Handled exceptions API and event type

Mobile monitoring automatically includes default attributes that you can use to explore your handled exceptions data in the query builder and get specific details:

You can also create your own custom attributes and events. Then, select attributes in the Handled exceptions page, and query or share them.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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