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Handled exceptions: Occurrences

After you use the handled exceptions page to explore patterns and trends, you can drill down into deeper details about specific exception occurrences. These can be events that New Relic monitors by default, or custom events you created.

View the occurrences details

To view details for each occurrence of a handled exception:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > Mobile > (select an app) > Exceptions > Handled exceptions.
  2. From the Top 5 exception locations table, select a handled exception on any row.

The Occurrences page shows details about the selected exception, including breakdown data by device type or operating system, number of users affected, total occurrences for the selected time period, attributes, and more.

Mobile Handled Exceptions: Occurrences

one.newrelic.com > Mobile > (select an app) > Exceptions > Handled exceptions > (select an exception) > Occurrences: Use the thread details to further examine patterns in the stack trace for a handled exception.

If you want to...

Do this

Find general patterns

From the Occurrences page:

  • Review the selected occurrence's Summary information.
  • Compare the Occurrence by version and Breakdown of handled exception type charts.
  • On the Breakdown of handled exception type chart, toggle between Device type and OS version.
  • Use the time picker to adjust the currently selected time period.
  • To look for other patterns, select Back to handled exceptions.

Find more specific patterns

Do any of the following:

  • From the top of the page, select a specific Version, or select one or more Filter.
  • Examine the data in the thread.
  • From the Stack trace details, scroll through the number of occurrences.
  • Use the time picker to adjust the currently selected time period.

Find patterns from attributes

Review the lists of MobileHandledExceptionattributes related to the occurrence, including:

  • Handled exceptions
  • Device
  • Connection
  • Location
  • Other, such as custom attributes you created

Query or visualize the occurrence data

Use New Relic Insights to query the data or to create dashboards that you can view or share.

Unsymbolicated stack traces

New Relic does not store unsymbolicated stack traces for handled exceptions. This is different than the crash event trail. You can upload a dSYM later as needed, as new handled exceptions will become symbolicated.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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