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Mobile monitoring

The digital customer experience with your brand encompasses iOS and Android devices, your browser website, kiosks, and support. Impatient users spend the majority of their time in mobile apps, and they expect the best.

  • Crashes: How do you fix what’s broken before it surfaces as 1-star customer reviews in the app store?

  • Latency: How can you connect your fragmented mobile ecosystem to troubleshoot faster across networks, teams, and devices?

  • Customer experience: How can you efficiently understand how users are interacting with your app?

  • ROI: How can you easily query and share vital performance data like user flow and total cart revenue?

    Our mobile monitoring tools integrate across your entire digital customer experience, so that you can get detailed crash reporting and analytics along with deep diagnostics on code and network performance. With New Relic, you get full end-to-end observability for your mobile stack platform. This includes backend APM visibility, end-user flow (browser) monitoring, synthetic API checks, flexible alerting, querying, and visualization tools.

    Go beyond fixing crashes. Use New Relic to prevent mobile problems before they happen, and improve your customers' overall experience.

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NR One: Mobile landing page

Quickly examine crash occurrences, app launches, handled exceptions, network problems, alert details, focused queries, and more when you use our mobile monitoring tools.

Get started.

  • Learn about our mobile monitoring capabilities.
  • Install New Relic on your Android apps, or customize what you want to monitor with our Android SDK API.
  • Install New Relic on your iOS and tvOS apps, or customize what you want to monitor with our iOS SDK API.

Troubleshoot and resolve problems.

Visualize your data.

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