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Log event data

Log events are records stored like any other event sent to New Relic. At a minimum the record should include:

  • timestamp: an integer representing Unix epoch milliseconds
  • At least one attribute containing data, like a message field

Typically logs have a message field and level or severity, but we do not have fixed requirements for what you can send to New Relic.

Data storage

Log records are stored by default in the Log event type. You can create additional event types by defining a custom data partition in our Logs UI. The resulting types will always be prefaced with Log_. For detailed information, see our data partitions documentation.


  • Maximum attributes: 255
  • Name: maximum 255 characters
  • Searchable value: The first 4,094 characters of data stored in an attribute can be queried directly in the UI.

Additional storage:


Some specific attributes have additional restrictions:




This is a reserved attribute name. If it is included, it will be dropped during ingest.


This is a reserved attribute name. If it is included, it will be dropped during ingest.

entity.guid entity.name entity.type

These attributes are used internally to identify entities. Any values submitted with these keys in the attributes section of a metric data point may cause undefined behavior such as missing entities in the UI or telemetry not associating with the expected entities.

For more information, see our documentation about entity synthesis.


This value must be an integer representing milliseconds since Unix epoch (seconds since epoch is also supported).

Payloads with timestamps older than 48 hours may be dropped.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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