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Forward logs from Google Cloud Platform

Use these steps to configure a Google Cloud Platform Pub/Sub topic to send logs to New Relic.

Generate a GCP Pub/Sub ingest URL

  1. Navigate to New Relic Logs
  2. Click Add more data sources

Add more data sources

  1. Click Google Cloud Platform, then select the New Relic account you want to forward logs to and click Continue.
  2. Optionally, you can configure metadata. Here you can define attribute-value pairs that will be included in every log event sent to the ingest URL you will generate in the next step.
  3. Click Generate URL.
  4. Copy your newly generated ingest URL and keep it in a safe place, you will need it once you are ready to configure a Pub/Sub topic to send logs to New Relic.

Create a GCP Pub/Sub Topic

  1. Navigate to the GCP Pub/Sub Console
  2. Click Create Topic
  3. Enter a meaningful Topic ID, then configure other options as desired and click Create Topic.

Create GCP topic

Prepare a GCP Pub/Sub Topic to forward logs to New Relic

  1. Once you have created your Pub/Sub topic, return to the GCP Pub/Sub Console.
  2. Click on the Pub/Sub topic you created in the last section.
  3. Scroll down and select the Subscriptions tab, then click Create Subscription and select Create subscription.

Create GCP Pub/Sub topic subscription

Select GCP Pub/Sub topic subscription type

  1. Enter a Subscription ID and select Push under Delivery Type.
  2. Paste the ingest URL you generated in the first section in the Endpoint URL field.
  3. Configure remaining settings as desired and click Create.

Forward logs from GCP Cloud Logging to New Relic

  1. Navigate to the GCP Logs Router Console.
  2. Click Create Sink.
  3. Provide a Sink name and Sink description, then click Next.
  4. Select Cloud Pub/Sub topic under Select sink service, and select the topic you created in the previous section under Select a Cloud Pub/Sub topic.

Create GCP logs router sink

  1. Configure remaining filters as desired and click Create sink to complete setup.

What's next?

Explore logging data across your platform with the New Relic One UI.

For more help

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