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Kubernetes integration: install and configure

The easiest way to install the Kubernetes integration is to use our automated installer to generate a manifest. It bundles not just the integration DaemonSets, but also other New Relic Kubernetes configurations, like Kubernetes events, Prometheus OpenMetrics, and New Relic log monitoring.

Looking to install our New Relic One integration with Pixie for fine-grained telemetry data? See our Auto-telemetry with Pixie install instructions to get deeper insight into your Kubernetes clusters and workloads with just one install command. No language agents required.

Want to try out our Kubernetes integration? Create a New Relic account for free! No credit card required.

Use automated installer

We encourage you to use our automated installer for servers, VMs, and unprivileged environments. The automated installer can provide you either a Helm command with the required values filled, or a plain manifest if you do not wish to use Helm. It also features great customizability and full control over which features and dependencies are enabled. If you are installing our integration on a managed cloud, please take a look at these preliminary notes before proceeding.

Alternatively, we also offer fully manual instructions for deploying our integration using Helm.

Start the installer

If your New Relic account is in the EU region, access the installer from one.eu.newrelic.com.

Installs for managed services and platforms

Before starting our automated installer, check out these notes for your managed services or platforms:

Upgrading our Kubernetes integration

Our Kubernetes integration is under active development and we regularly release updates which include bug fixes, new features, and support for newer Kubernetes versions and cloud providers. We strongly recommend all our customers to regularly update the Kubernetes integration to get the best experience.

Upgrading using the automated installer and Helm

In order to update an installation that was deployed using Helm command provided by the automated installer, just go through the process and run the Helm command again. This will pull the new version of the chart and its dependencies and upgrade it to the latest version.

Upgrading using the automated installer and plain manifests


We encourage you to deploy our integration using Helm, as it provides a cleaner upgrade path comapred to using manifests directly.

If custom manifests have been used instead of Helm, we encourage you to first remove the old installation using kubectl delete -f <mark>previous-manifest-file.yml</mark>, and then proceed through the guided installer again. This will generate an updated set of manifests that can be deployed using kubectl apply -f <mark>manifest-file.yml</mark>.

We do not recommend applying a new version of the manifest file without removing the previous one first, since it might leave some leftover components in your cluster.

Monitor services running on Kubernetes


We encourage you to deploy our integration using Helm, as it allows easier configuration on how to monitor services by just adding snippets to your values.yml file.

After having installed our Kubernetes integration, you can start instrumenting the services than run in your cluster. To learn more about how to do this, please check our Monitor services running on Kubernetes page.

Use your Kubernetes data

To learn more about how to use your Kubernetes data, please head to our detailed Find and use your Kubernetes data pages.

For more help

If you need more help, check out these support and learning resources:

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